

Environmental Panorama
February of 2010

Posted on 09 February 2010 - Ban of phosphates in detergents, cleaning up remaining Helcom hotspots and a network of marine protected areas are among seven simple actions which could help save one of the most threatened sea areas in the world.

WWF and its partners have published a set of recommendations ahead of the Baltic Sea Action Summit which will take place in Helsinki on the 10 th of February.

Prime Ministers and Heads of States, together with companies and organisations will meet this week in the Finnish capital to agree on ”practical commitments to save the Baltic Sea”.

The Finnish president Tarja Halonen and the Swedish king, Carl XVI Gustaf, also president of the Council of WWF Sweden, are among the participants.

“Strong leadership and urgent action is needed from all countries around the Baltic to save our joint sea. Good ambitions and bold commitments are very important, but words need to be followed by concrete action to a greater extent than today if we are to see any actual improvements in the sea”, said Mats Abrahamsson, Director, WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme.

WWF has compiled a list of seven simple things that can be done right now in the short term to improve the state of the Baltic Sea. Many of these measures have already been “promised” by the Baltic Sea governments.

“We certainly need to continue to work within regional and European institutions to establish solid long term change processes that have a chance to match the severity and complexity of the problems” said Mats Abrahamsson.” However, while we work on these long term processes, there are several things that can be done now in the short term to improve the state of the Baltic Sea.

The seven simple things proposed by WWF are: Ban all uses of phosphates in detergents, introduce a tax on N and P in mineral fertilizers, ban fishing of eel until the stock is recovered and restore inland migration routes, ratify the Ballast Water Convention, clean up remaining Helcom hotspots, provide adequate port reception facilities for cruise ship sewage and establish a network of marine protected areas

“These measures can be achieved by with very small changes to existing legislations and budgets. They are far from what is needed to restore the Baltic Sea to a good environmental status, but we think they could be a good start, concluded Mats Abrahamsson
Background: WWF, through its Baltic Ecoregion Programme , is cooperating with governments, businesses, scientists and other organisations around the Baltic Sea to involve all nations, all sectors and all stakeholders in a coordinated process to plan the use of the sea and its resources, in an ecosystem-based approach, with the aim of both saving the environment and facilitating economic development.

Governmental initiatives include the 1977 Helsinki Convention and all its ministerial declarations; the Baltic Sea Environmental Declaration of 9 April 1992; the Baltic 21 agenda, initiated by the Prime Ministers of the Baltic Sea countries in 1996; the Baltic Sea Action Plan of November 2008; and lately the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, adopted by the European Council in October 2009.

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China’s visionary ecologist Chen Yiyu gets WWF top prize

Posted on 19 February 2010 - London, UK - Freshwater ecologist and visionary environmentalist Chen Yiyu has been awarded the 2009 WWF Duke of Edinburgh Conservation medal.

His marine life expertise and life-long devotion to conserving China’s freshwater resources won Mr. Chen international recognition.

“The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a great honour for me. But this is also an honour for nature conservation in China, and for the many people who have made contributions,” Mr. Chen said at the award ceremony.

“I will continue to work for the preservation of China’s environment, and contribute everything I have to ensuring we leave future generations a healthy, living planet."

Chen Yiyu has been described as a visionary advocate of environmental policy in China, and is considered one of the country’s most important figures in the field of sustainable development and on-the-ground conservation.

Early in his career he led groundbreaking studies on the endangered Baiji dolphin, a freshwater species only found in the Yangtze River. He has also championed research on Lake Hong’s ecosystems, which have led to considerable improvements in its water quality and helped balance the way its resources are distributed.

“Thanks to Mr. Chen’s leadership, China’s freshwater protection policies have improved dramatically, particularly in the areas of integrated watershed management and ecosystem management," said James Leape, Director General of WWF-International.

“The contributions Chen Yiyu continues to make to freshwater conservation in China are outstanding, and deserve to be celebrated.”

The Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Medal is awarded annually by WWF for outstanding service to the environment.

Recipients of the award receive a gold medal in a sustainably-sourced rosewood box donated by the Chamber of Mines of South Africa, a Rolex watch, and a certificate signed by the Duke of Edinburgh and the Director General of WWF International.

"For decades, WWF has worked to protect China’s natural resources – the Chinese people are grateful for this," Mr Chen said.

Mr. Chen has published over 90 scientific papers and 10 books, and is the current President of the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation. He is a former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an important national scientific institution.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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