

Environmental Panorama
September of 2010

Posted on 17 September 2010
Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Argentinean province of Misiones has approved a major new land use law for native forests in that area, legally backing a commitment last year to help save the Atlantic Forest and move toward a goal of zero net deforestation by 2020.

The new land use law, approved earlier this month, will better protect more than 1.2 million hectares of Atlantic Forest in the province.

The decision follows a special ceremony at the XIIIth World Forestry Congress in 2009, where the province and the Paraguayan government agreed to work towards zero net deforestation in the Atlantic Forest, and to implement a package of measures that include legislation to enforce those commitments.

The Atlantic Forest initially spanned 500,000 square kms, shared between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. However, only 7.4 percent of the forest is left today – or about 35,000 square kilometers, making it one of the most threatened and fragment subtropical forests in the world.

The development of Misiones’ land use law began after the passage of a national law forcing provincial governments to stop deforestation until land use plans for native forests were established.

That 2007 law was passed with the backing of 1.6 million public supporters from a December 2007 petition, and with the active participation of WWF’s Argentina partner Fundacion Vida Silvestre.

Since the law’s approval, Vida Silvestre promoted citizen participation, organized discussion workshops, and developed materials for raise awareness about deforestation. In April 2010, Vida Silvestre presented a preliminary land use proposal plan to the Government of Misiones.

The resulting map of land use law in Misiones, officially sanctioned earlier this month, is similar to the proposal submitted by Vida Silvestre and establishes more than 1.2 million hectares under yellow (sustainable use forests) and red (protected areas).

The approved provincial law, also allows the province of Misiones the access to part of the money that the national law assigns for the compensation of forest ecosystem services (approximately USD$ S 200 million per year).

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Brazil’s threatened Cerrado gets a protection plan

Posted on 22 September 2010
Brasilia, Brazil - The Brazilian government last week announced a new plan to protect the Cerrado, a massive expanse of biologically diverse savannah that is under huge pressure from encroaching development.

The Cerrado Plan will see US$200 million of federal money invested over the next two years to protect the mixed woodland-savannah, which covers 21% of Brazil’s landmass, an area about the size of Greenland.

Though unknown to many people, numerous important tributaries of the Amazon River originate in the Cerrado. It also feeds the world’s largest wetland, the Pantanal.

“The Cerrado has been traditionally been viewed as the ugly duckling of Brazil’s biomes, as a free area to expand on an unsustainable basis. The Cerrado region, however, is one of the richest places of biodiversity in the world, and is a source of essential resources for Brazil’s development,” says WWF-Brazil CEO Denise Hamú.

The plan is focused on restoring the savannah’s most vulnerable places - areas with high deforestation rates, rich biodiversity and important freshwater resources.

Targets include the creation of 25 thousand square kilometers of national parks and other protected areas, the ratification and demarcation of 5.8 million hectares of indigenous territories, and a land use plan that balances environmental and economic needs.

Central to this is a legal framework that protects the environmental services provided by the resource-rich area. Studies show that close to 90% of Brazilians consume energy generated in the region, most of which comes from protected areas.

But just over 8% of the Cerrado is now officially under the government’s watch. The new commitment will, however, shelter an additional 15% of the savannah by the end of 2010, including the regulated indigenous territories that appear in the plan.

And to insure other valuable resources aren’t ignored, the government has stated it will increase patrolling and train 4,500 new forest rangers and firefighters. Real time satellite monitoring will also be used, similar to the exiting PRODES system that has proven a huge success in reducing deforestation rates in the Amazon.

"For the first time, the Brazilian government is putting its attention on the Cerrado, which is of vital importance because its ecosystem forms the transition with the Amazon forest," said Hamú.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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