

Environmental Panorama
September of 2010

Judge Laurie Newhook (Chair). Judge Newhook was admitted to the bar in 1972 and is experienced in resource management and local government law. He has been an Environment Court Judge since August 2001. As an Environment Court Judge he has presided over many resource management cases, including applications for sand mining, a prison, marine farms, designations, zoning, coastal subdivisions and urban development.

Ross Dunlop has extensive resource management and planning experience in both the public and private sectors in the following work areas: Environment Court hearings; decision-making and writing, Court assisted mediation, resource consents, assessments of environmental effects, feasibility investigations; public consultation, plan and policy statement preparation. Mr Dunlop was appointed as an Environment Court Commissioner in 2003.

Susan Jackson is accredited with a chair endorsement on the Making Good Decisions programme for hearing commissioners. She is a Franklin District Councillor and holds qualifications in civil engineering. Ms Jackson has been a lecturer in civil engineering at Manukau Polytechnic and has worked on numerous projects specialising in foundation drilling in the field of heavy construction.

Alan Dormer is a barrister who practices in public law and policy, environmental and local law and resource management law. Previously of Phillips Fox he is now a barrister in Auckland. Mr Dormer has advised government and the law commission, been retained by more than 30 local authorities since joining the independent bar, is an appointed hearings commissioner for eight local authorities, has taught the "Making Good Decisions" programme for hearing commissioners and has served three terms as President of the Resource Management Law Association.

Gerry Te Kapa Coates is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit and has extensive experience in consulting engineering at all levels including expert witness services, strategic planning, sustainability and technical writing. He has experience as a chair and board member and is currently a Director for Ngai Tahu Holdings Ltd and Waihao Holdings Ltd and a Board member for Waihao Te Runanga O Ngai Tahu and Te Ana Whakairo Ltd. Mr Te Kapa Coates has more than 25 years of experience and has worked as an expert witness on 650 investigation cases.


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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