

Environmental Panorama
September of 2010

OTTAWA, Ont. -- September 1, 2010 -- The Government of Canada today announced that regulations requiring an average renewable fuel content of five per cent in gasoline have been finalized and will come into effect starting December 15, 2010.

"Today we are fulfilling the Government's commitment to require five percent renewable fuel content in gasoline," said the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment. "Regulating renewable fuel content in gasoline is just one of several steps the Government is taking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, which account for about a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions."

"Support for renewable fuels is support for farmers, rural communities and our economy," said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. "This is a vital step in generating new market opportunities for our farmers and maximizing Canada's high quality resources to produce food and fuel for the world."

"These regulations will help Canada reach our goal of becoming a clean energy leader," said Christian Paradis, Minister of Natural Resources. "Our Government supports biofuels and other alternative fuels as part of our commitment to reducing Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent, from 2005 levels, by 2020."

These regulations are one pillar of the Government's broader Renewable Fuels Strategy. Canada will implement a requirement for two per cent renewable content in diesel fuel and heating oil, subject to successful demonstration of technical feasibility under the range of Canadian conditions, which would be put in place by an amendment to the Renewable Fuels Regulations.

When fully implemented, the Strategy's two regulatory requirements combined with provincial regulations will ensure a total volume of renewable fuel that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to four megatonnes in 2012--about the equivalent of taking one million vehicles off the road.

These regulations are a key initiative in support of the Government of Canada's commitment to reduce Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020. In addition, the Government of Canada is working with the U.S. towards common North American standards for regulating greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, and has recently published, draft regulations for vehicle tailpipe emissions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act that are aligned with those of the U.S. Building on that successful collaboration, we will continue to work together to do the same for heavy-duty vehicles.
Frédéric Baril
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment

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Environment Minister Appoints Oilsands Advisory Panel

OTTAWA, Ont. -- September 30, 2010 -- In response to concerns about industrial pollution in the Athabasca River and connecting waterways, Environment Minister Jim Prentice has appointed an independent Advisory Panel of leading scientists to review the design and management of related environmental systems.

"We are determined to develop Canada's oil sands in a manner that it sustainable and environmentally-sensitive," noted Minister Prentice. "This independent review by some of Canada's most respected scientists is a critical step in ensuring that environmental issues are balanced with economic considerations."

The Advisory Panel has a mandate to advise Minister Prentice on the current state of environmental research and monitoring in the region around Alberta's oil sands and to make recommendations to ensure that state-of-the-art monitoring and best practices are implemented.

Chaired by Elizabeth Dowdeswell, the Advisory Panel members are Dr. Peter J. Dillon, Dr. Subhasis Ghoshal, Dr. Andrew D. Miall, Dr. Joseph Rasmussen and Dr. John P. Smol.

Within 60 days, it will report back to Minister Prentice. This report will be publicly available on the Environment Canada website.
Pascale Boulay
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of the Environment


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
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