

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

BEIJING, China -- October 29, 2010 -- Canada's Environment Minister, Jim Prentice, and China's Minister of Environmental Protection, Zhou Shengxian, today signed a renewed memorandum of understanding (MOU) on environmental cooperation. The signing ceremony took place in Beijing.

"Canada has a long history of successful collaboration with China and recognizes the global importance of this great country," said Minister Prentice. "We will continue building on this long-standing relationship on all fronts, including environmental cooperation, and we will seek to reach mutual understanding of each others concerns to find common ground for advancing joint environmental interests on climate change and other environmental issues."

The Canada-China MOU on environmental cooperation will facilitate collaborative work and the exchange of scientific information between Environment Canada and China's Ministry of Environmental Protection. Of particular interest to Canada are cooperative activities related to biodiversity, water, mercury emissions, environmental emergencies and environmental industries.

Minister Prentice stressed the tremendous opportunities that exist for both China and Canada to cooperate in other areas including national parks, protected areas and environmental assessment and monitoring related to heavy oil developments. Both countries have agreed to develop and implement a joint action plan for cooperation and Minister Prentice invited Minister Zhou Shengxian to visit Canada in mid-November to sign the action plan.

Through agreements like the one signed today, the Government of Canada continues to demonstrate its commitment to a new era of partnership with one of the world's most rapidly growing economies and also demonstrates its leadership on environmental issues internationally.

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Government of Canada Invests in Community Environmental Projects in Manitoba

WINNIPEG, Man. -- October 15, 2010 -- The Honourable Steven Fletcher, Minister of State for Democratic Reform and Member of Parliament for Charleswood - St. James - Assiniboia, on behalf of Canada's Environment Minister, the Honourable Jim Prentice, today announced funding from the EcoAction Community Funding Program for four new environmental projects in Manitoba. In total, $212,893 in federal funding will support local action to reduce pollution, improve air and water quality, and protect wildlife and natural habitat.

"As part of the International Year of Biodiversity, the Government of Canada is helping communities and their citizens enjoy cleaner air, water and land," said Minister Fletcher. "The EcoAction Community Funding program is a concrete example of how we are supporting projects under this program. We believe on the ground activities like these can and will make a difference."

"This government is committed to addressing the environmental priorities of Canadians," said Minister Prentice. "We are proud to support community groups across the country willing to take concrete action through on-the-ground environmental projects that will achieve a more sustainable Canada. Your actions, large or small, will help to protect the abundance and variety of life that is part of our natural heritage."

Of the four projects announced today, the Green Action Centre's Climate Friendly School Travel Planning will work with Manitoba school divisions to deliver the training and support needed to implement greener travel plans for students travelling to and from school.

"A key purpose of the Climate Friendly School Travel Planning Project is to expand opportunities for schoolchildren to walk and bike to school, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles," said Randall McQuaker, executive director of the Green Action Centre in Winnipeg. "Through the EcoAction funding for this project, the Green Action Centre will be able to provide schools with the volunteer training and education that will ultimately improve air quality and lessen traffic congestion around schools, and improve health and fitness for kids."

The EcoAction Community Funding Program is a Government of Canada initiative that supports projects that rehabilitate, protect or enhance the natural environment, and builds the capacity of communities and individuals in support of a more sustainable Canada. The four projects announced today will assist locally-based, non-profit organizations in initiating actions that result in cleaner air, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, cleaner water, and the protection of nature at the local community level.

More information about the EcoAction Community Funding Program is available on Environment Canada's website at


Source: Inquiry Centre Environment Canada
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