

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

Plan to be adopted during tenth Conference of the Parties
At the First Forum on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development, convened in Nagoya on 17 October, the Group of 77 and China unanimously adopted a draft Multi-Year Plan of Action on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development.

"The Plan defines targets and South-South cooperative strategies, including triangular cooperation and programmes, to the year 2020", said H.E. Ambassador Abdullah M. Alsaidi, Permanent Representative of Yemen and Chairman of the G77. "The Plan also reflects the need to include consideration of the loss of biodiversity in other types of South-South and triangular agreements, therefore, calls for further exchange of knowledge and technology among Member States."

"The adoption of the Plan by the Group of 77 and China is a milestone towards a successful outcome of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties", said Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. He thanked Ambassador Alsaidi for his leadership in building consensus of the 131 Parties of the Group of 77 and China, as well as H.E. Ambassador Conrod Hunte of Antigua and Barbuda, the past Chair of the G-77, for his contribution to the development of the Plan. He also welcomed the proactive attitude of H.E. Ambassador Daniel Chuburu, Argentina, who is the future Chair of the G-77.

Participants from Grenada, Brazil and Malawi highlighted the importance of a united voice from all 131 Parties of the Group of 77 and China, to the overall success of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties, particularly on key issues such as the adoption of the international regime on access and benefit-sharing (ABS), the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan and a suitable financial mechanism to support their implementation. Participants agreed also on a regular coordination meeting schedule during the meeting.
"Developed countries are our partners, and we must seek constructive collaboration with them", stated Ambassador Alsaidi, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China "We look forward to its adoption at this meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and we call on our partners to support for its implementation."
Source: Convention on Biological Diversity

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Minister receives award in Washington for protected areas

Izabella Teixeira represents the Brazilian government in a special tribute granted by WWF
On behalf of the Brazilian government, the minister of the Environment, Izabella Teixeira, received on October 19, in Washington DC, a special recognition of WWF concerning the success of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program (ARPA), responsible for creating 24 million hectares of conservation units of Brazil, an area equivalent to the UK.

According to the Global Biodiversity Outlook, released in 2010 by UNEP, Brazil leads the creation of protected areas on the planet. According to the report, about 75% of 700,000 sq km of protected areas set up around the world since 2003 are located in Brazilian territory.

Granted by both WWF Brazil and WWF United States, the award acknowledges achievements in implementing the first phase of ARPA, from 2003 to 2009. "It is a recognition of our country, living a very special and auspicious moment in which economic growth occurs along the undeniable environmental achievements," minister Izabella Teixeira said.

According to her, the great global challenges require bold and creative solutions, different from conventional solutions. "ARPA is certainly an example of such a solution," she said. Divided into three phases, ARPA has the goal of creating 45 million hectares of conservation and sustainable use of protected areas by 2017.

Besides the creation of protected areas, the program also supported the consolidation of 18 existing units in an area of 8,500,000 hectares, created before March 2000. During the first phase, the government created the Protected Areas Fund, with $ 25 million raised, and run community projects in the vicinity of conservation units.

According to a study by WWF / UFMG / IPAM / Woods Hole Research Centre in Massachusetts, the reduction of CO2 emissions promoted by ARPA, scheduled until 2050, accounts for 70% of the goal of global reducing emissions commitment agreed in the first Kyoto Protocol.

The minister also pointed out the Brazilian government's efforts to reduce deforestation in the Amazon. Izabella Teixeira said that from August 2008 to July 2009 was recorded the lowest rate of forest clearing, with 7,000 sq km.


Source: Brazil - Ministry for the Environment
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