

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

Posted on 06 October 2010
A seven meter tall carnivorous plant, a fish with vampire fangs, and a frog that sounds like a cricket are among 145 new species described last year in the Greater Mekong, reaffirming the region as a one of the most significant biological hotspots on the planet ahead of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, Japan.

New Blood: Greater Mekong new species discoveries 2009, reveals an average of three new species recorded by science each week including Asia’s only bald songbird the Bare-faced bulbul and the uniquely adapted Sucker-fish, which uses its body to sucker onto rocks in fast flowing waters to move upstream.

“This rate of discovery is simply staggering in modern times,” said Stuart Chapman, Conservation Director of WWF Greater Mekong. “Each year, the new species count keeps going up, and with it, so too does the responsibility to ensure this region’s unique biodiversity is conserved,” he said.

The report says while these discoveries highlight the Greater Mekong’s immense biodiversity it also pinpoints the fragility of this region’s diverse habitats and species. The likely local extinction of the Javan rhino in Vietnam is one tragic indicator of the decline of biodiversity in recent times.

Other new species standouts that were discovered in this region that comprises Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the southern province of Yunnan in China include five new mammal species, two bats and three shrews, a poisonous pit viper and an entirely new genus of fang-less snake.

The report highlights the opportunity for governments of the Greater Mekong to use financing through the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the global financing mechanism for the CBD, to leverage large-scale resources to conserve species, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems across the region.

“Biodiversity is not evenly distributed around the globe. These new species are a timely reminder of the extraordinary biodiversity in the Greater Mekong,” said Mr Chapman. “Therefore a greater allocation of funds is needed to ensure these valuable ecosystems are conserved.”

At the CBD, WWF will promote opportunities for the Global Environment Facility to provide financing for a trans-boundary programme in the Greater Mekong that recognizes the role of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.

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New method emerges to deter “indirect” land grab for biofuel production

Posted on 08 October 2010
Utrecht/Nürnberg/Brussels – A new methodology that could deter the “indirect” conversion of virgin or tropical forests for biofuel production was published today by prominent consultancy Ecofys, WWF and Conservation International.

The Responsible Cultivation Area [RCA] methodology could complement emerging bans on converting high value ecosystems directly into biofuel productions by providing a measure to reduce the risk of indirect biofuel production impacts such as biofuel displacement of food production into conservation areas.

RCA, which has been field tested in Indonesia and Brazil, works by setting up guidelines for the expansion of energy crop production in ways that reduce the potential for it to impact on food production.

Acceptable measures would include increasing yields on existing energy crop plantations, integrating energy crop and food production and directing additional production towards ‘unused land’ with low biodiversity and low carbon stocks.

Future likely developments, such as the use of residues or aquatic biomass such as algae for energy production, will be taken into account in future versions of the methodology.

“The new methodology contains practical guidance for companies on how to identify responsible production areas with a minimum risk of unwanted direct or indirect land use change,” said Bart Dehue, Managing Consultant at Ecofys. “It also offers suggestions for legislators on how to distinguish biofuels with a low risk of indirect land use change”,.

Addressing the biofuel “sustainability gap”

At first heralded as an ideal way to decarbonising the road transport sector by delivering a low-carbon alternative to petrol and diesel, biofuels were soon facing issues over whether production that involved extensive forest clearing meant more carbon was being emitted than could be saved over even lengthy periods.

This has become known as the biofuel “sustainability gap”, and was behind an EU directive in 2009 adopting sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids These criteria include a minimum for Greenhouse Gas emission reductions compared to fossil fuels. In addition, biofuel and bioliquid production may not lead to unwanted direct land use change, such as the conversion of forests or highly biodiverse grasslands.

However, the possibility of indirect pressure on forests and the environmental and social costs involved was initially overlooked in the European sustainability criteria, currently the world’s strongest.

“There is a need to close this sustainability gap to ensure a sustainable future for biofuels”, says Imke Luebbeke from the WWF European Policy Office.

There is some recognition of this need, however. The EU is currently conducting consultations on indirect land use change pressures from biofuel production, and it is hoped the RCA methodology would be of some interest to these deliberations.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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