

Environmental Panorama
October of 2010

I am just back to my room after our Greenpeace coordination meeting where we regrouped and set our plans for the week to come- the final week of the Convention on Biological Diversity. I have been working with Greenpeace for almost six years but the passion and energy of our people never fail to amaze me.

Last week was tough. Not merely physically - as most of us spend an average of twelve hours each day in the crammed rooms and corridors of the CBD venue surviving on mass-produced sandwiches and coffee - but primarily it was a tough week for the spirit. It’s not easy to keep faith when negotiators here argue over technicalities, blocking progress and even taking steps backwards instead of making progress to save our oceans and forests and life on earth.

A moment always comes during meetings when you think to yourself: “God, they will never move forward?!” It is probably a collective feeling throughout the meeting, one shared by NGOs and country delegates who want to create agreements to protect nature and not just keep legal loopholes open for fishing, logging and energy industries. Sometimes, though, things start to move… you see that delegates are working together, you see opinions change and our team here getting the message across. Governments here are meeting and negotiating, offering concessions and saying that they have bottom lines. One of the few constant things at a UN meeting like this one is change: side meetings, after-hours phone calls, video conferences between people here and their bosses back home all have impact on what these countries do here at the bargaining table.

Call me an optimist! I really hope we are at that point of the meeting. I’m one of the people keeping an eye on the oceans-related discussions here in Nagoya. This meeting is so important for our oceans. Many diplomats will enter the meeting room tomorrow morning with the will to do the right thing – right now, we’re in the middle of agreeing list of environmentally important waters (or, ecologically and biologically significant areas, if you speak the CBD language) that would form the beginnings of a network of marine reserves. Me and my other oceans-defending colleagues are pressuring these diplomats to form a marine reserve network covers at least 20% of our oceans by 2020. This will help us reach the goal of protecting 40% of our waters, which scientists tell us is what we need to do if we’re going to leave behind healthy oceans for the future.

We’re here to remind delegates of the hundreds of millions of people around the world who depend on our oceans. The life in our oceans provide humankind with food- and without healthy waters, the world’s food supply will vanish. Healthy oceans are not a luxury; they are indispensable and they are priceless. We hear a lot here about “financing biodiversity protection,” but I remind people that this isn’t about financing, it’s about investing in our future and keeping our planet and its people alive. Who can put a price on our planet’s ability to feed us?

Listening to my fellow Greenpeacers at the meeting I realized once more that we only get more willful and creative when things get difficult. I wish the same to our countries’ representatives, so I’m telling all of them- you represent the people of 193 countries and you are here to decide on a plan to protect all of us, all life on earth. Monday would be a good day to start creating our future. If not now, when?

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The importance of Indonesia

I was hoping to write my first post in Indonesia from the Rainbow Warrior. As it turns out, the Warrior is anchored out at sea, waiting for permission to get into the country from the Indonesian government. The ship and crew have been there for several days now, occasionally communicating with Indonesian supporters by virtual hookup (at this event for disappointed supporters) instead of in the steel flesh everyone was hoping see.

I on the other hand am very much here, in the middle of Jakarta, on the most densely populated island on Earth (Java). What can I tell you about Jakarta? It smells of cloves. The congested traffic crawls. The people are interesting, enthusiastic, gracious. It's humid – really humid. Every day, a downpour or two washes away the smog and cools the city down; you can almost hear the pavements sizzle.

To be honest, I haven't seen much of the city; I've mostly been in the Greenpeace office here, planning for the ship tour, then planning for a shipless ship tour.

Even so, I've picked up a little knowledge about Indonesia from my colleagues here. For starters, it's home to the world’s only lungless frog, the world's largest lizard, and the world's most expensive coffee - made from civet poo (honestly). I don't have the space here to tell you about the tree-climbing fish.

A lot of things about Indonesia seem to be “the world's only” or “the world's largest” or “the world's most”. For instance:

The Indonesian archipelago is the world's largest. It's home to more endemic bird species than any other country (and more endemic mammal species than any other country but one) on Earth. It has one of the highest levels of biodiversity world wide - on about only 1.3 percent of the Earth’s land surface. (Alfred Russel Wallace's theories on evolution and natural selection – the theories that prompted Darwin to publish On the Origin of Species - were largely based on his work in Indonesia.)

It's also the world’s largest producer of palm oil, and a significant producer of paper and pulp used for glossy magazines, toilet paper and packaging globally. Most of this production happens by destroying rainforests and peatlands (which are perhaps the world’s most critical carbon stores).

As a result, Indonesia is the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and many of its species – the ones that Wallace studied – are losing their territories and even habitats terrifyingly quickly. Some – the Sumatra tiger and the orang-utan, for instance – are at risk of extinction. That's not to mention the tens of millions of Indonesian people who depend on these disappearing forests for their livelihoods, including indigenous communities who rely on the forests for everything: food, shelter, medicine and identity.

But there's good news. Greenpeace Indonesia is the fastest growing office in the Greenpeace world, and they're leading a campaign for what could be the world's first deal to comprehensively protect a country's critical rainforests and carbon-rich peatlands. It's all up to Norway's and Indonesia's leaders. If they manage to get this agreement right, they will succeed in protecting Indonesia's forests and go a long way to protecting the world's climate. They will also be setting a precedent for similar deals in the future.


Source: Greenpeace International
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