

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

The Brazilian minister of the Environment, Izabella Teixeira, said on Wednesday (December 15) that Brazil has demonstrated the three necessary qualities to contribute to the success of international conferences: the ability to discuss, efficient diplomacy and technical knowledge. The statement was made at an event sponsored by the University of Brasília to discuss progress and challenges of biodiversity and climate change agreements, discussed this year in Nagoya, Japan, and in Cancun, Mexico.

Regarding the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in mid-October in Japan, the minister explained that the Protocol of Nagoya on access and benefit sharing was negotiated until the last minute.

In Nagoya, goals for 2020 were also set, and the challenge for Brazil will be the conservation of biodiversity in coastal and marine ecosystems. The minister recalled that, although neither country has complied with the conservation goals set for 2010, "Brazil is the champion in achieving the goals and created 75% of protected areas worldwide in the last eight years."

According to the minister, the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Climate Change, in Mexico, surprised all the participating countries due to the effort of Brazil to ensure that the Kyoto Protocol negotiations continue, despite deep rifts on its second commitment phase.

To the minister, "the Kyoto Protocol is essential" and "Brazil is committed to do its part to ensure a low carbon economy in the future".

Izabella also stressed that during the COP-16, Brazil announced a reduction in greenhouse gases emissions by 2020 through a decree signed by President Lula. "We were the first country in the world to make the announcement of these goals."

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SNUC places Brazil as a reference in protecting biodiversity

At the last UN Conference on Biodiversity (COP-10), held in October in Nagoya (Japan), Brazil was recognized as the nation which created more protected areas (known in Brazil as conservation units) around the globe over the past eight years.

In the same period, the extension of these areas in the country has expanded, jumping from 38 million to 77 million hectares. Today, Brazil has 310 federal Protected Areas (PAs), including all national biomes.

Brazil currently has the equivalent of 8.5% of its territory in protected areas. The creation of PAs is the main tool for conservation and biodiversity protection in the country.

In the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC), held on Tuesday (November 14) in Brasilia, Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira said that the big challenge now is to advance in the creation of new protected areas in coastal and marine areas of Brazil.

According to the minister, the success of SNUC placed Brazil as a reference in actions to protect biodiversity across the planet. "However, we still need to do much for conservation of biological diversity for us to achieve the goals established in Nagoya", the minister said.


Source: Brazil - Ministry for the Environment
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