

Environmental Panorama
December of 2010

Document Actions
Published: 13 Dec 2010
What we know about Europe’s environment comes from data collected by countless data providers. The Belgian Presidency of the European Union and the European Environment Agency (EEA) organised a conference to facilitate the sharing of environmental information.

The conference ‘Sharing Environmental Information’, held between 29 November and 1 December in Brussels, brought together representatives from the EEA member and cooperating countries, EEA and the European Commission. The participants reflected on the implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS).

In the conference conclusions, the participants encouraged the European Commission to publish the SEIS Implementation Plan as soon as possible. They also emphasised the benefits of mutually supportive interaction between SEIS, Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) and Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) processes. The participants also recommended that SEIS, through the use of relevant Information Communication Technology (ICT), should be closely connected to the digital agenda for Europe as part of the EU strategy 2020.

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COP16: Climate talks set the way forward

Document Actions
Published: 16 Dec 2010
Two-week long negotiations on a global climate deal ended with a balanced and substantive package of decisions adopted on 11 December, known as the Cancún Agreement. The European Union welcomed the positive outcome of the COP16 conference and stressed that it is willing to do its fair share of the global effort.

The Cancún Agreement builds on the decisions taken a year ago in Copenhagen and also sets out processes for making further progress in the future. It represents a compromise between different interests within the United Nations system.

The European Union has set itself ambitious climate and energy targets for 2020 but is also looking at the long term. Next spring the European Commission will present a strategy for completing the transition to a low-carbon economy by 2050. The strategy will aim at stimulating economic growth, job creation and innovation while strengthening the EU's energy security.

The Cancún Agreement acknowledges for the first time in a United Nations document that global warming must be kept below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial temperature and establishes a process to define a date for global emissions to peak and a global emissions reduction goal for 2050. The text also recognises that overall mitigation efforts need to be scaled up in order to stay within the 2°C ceiling.

The agreement also confirms the goal that developed countries will mobilise US$ 100 billion in climate funding for developing countries annually by 2020, and establishment of a Green Climate Fund through which much of the funding will be channelled. Furthermore the agreement includes ‘Cancún Adaptation Framework’ to enhance action on adaptation to climate change and the launch of a "REDD+" mechanism enabling action to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries.


Source: European Environment Agency
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