Del| NERI has developed
a model to distribute emissions from the
national emission inventories on a 1x1 km
grid. The new spatial high resolution distribution
model for emissions to air (SPREAD) has
been developed according to the requirements
for reporting of gridded emissions to CLRTAP.
The National Environmental
Research Institute (NERI), Aarhus University,
completes the annual national emission inventories
for greenhouse gases and air pollutants
according to Denmark’s obligations under
international conventions, e.g. the climate
convention, UNFCCC and the convention on
long-range transboundary air pollution,
NERI has developed a
model to distribute emissions from the national
emission inventories on a 1x1 km grid covering
the Danish land and sea territory. The new
spatial high resolution distribution model
for emissions to air (SPREAD) has been developed
according to the requirements for reporting
of gridded emissions to CLRTAP.
Spatial emission data
is e.g. used as input for air quality modelling,
which again serves as input for e.g. assessment
and evaluation of health effects. For these
purposes distributions with higher spatial
resolution have been requested.
SPREAD is developed
to generate improved spatial emission data
for e.g. air quality modelling in exposure
studies. SPREAD includes emission distributions
for each sector in the Danish inventory
system; stationary combustion, mobile sources,
fugitive emissions from fuels, industrial
processes, solvents and other product use,
agriculture and waste. This model enables
generation of distributions for single sectors
and for a number of sub-sectors and single
sources as well.
This report documents
the methodologies in this first version
of SPREAD and presents selected results.
Further, a number of potential improvements
for later versions of SPREAD are addressed
and discussed.
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Danish Long Range Transboundary
Air Pollution 2009
Del| This report is
a documentation report on the emission inventories
for Denmark as reported to the UNECE Secretariat
under the Convention on Long Range Transboundary
Air Pollution.
The report contains
information on Denmark’s emission inventories
regarding emissions of (1) SOX for the years
1980-2009, (2) NOX, CO, NMVOC and NH3 for
the years 1985-2009, (3) Particulate matter:
TSP, PM10, PM2.5 for the years 2000-2009,
(4) Heavy Metals: Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Cr, Cu,
Ni, Se and Zn for the years 11000-2009,
(5) Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): Benzo(a)pyrene,
benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene
and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene for the years
11000-2009 and (6) Dioxin and HCB. Further,
the report contains information on background
data for emissions inventory.