

Environmental Panorama
January of 2012

Danish companies cannot afford to go it alone in solving current climate issues. International collaboration is called for, as shown by the results of an MSc thesis from Aarhus University, Business and Social Sciences.

2012.01.10 | Camilla Hyldmar Knudsen
International agreements are required to solve the climate problems. The Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy’s proposal to introduce an energy tax risks making it both harder and more expensive for energy-intensive Danish companies to compete globally.

- If it was possible to draw up broad energy agreements in the EU, Denmark would enjoy a strong position because we have the technology and innovative skills to survive. However, if the proposals are only introduced by Denmark, then we are such a small player compared to other countries that the energy tax will act as a penalty for Danish businesses, says Stefan Kirkedal, who holds an MSc in International Economic Consulting.

Together with Cæcilie Thielke Mølgaard, he has written a thesis: “Environmental regulations and competitiveness – An analysis of the effects of the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy’s recommendations on the competitiveness of Danish industry”.

The two graduates have the full support of their supervisor, Philipp Schröder, an acknowledged economics professor from Aarhus University, Business and Social Sciences:

- Denmark can achieve much more by influencing European legislation instead of allowing itself to be restricted by a national plan, says Philipp Schröder, who also says that the Commission’s proposal should, as a minimum, be implemented throughout the EU.
Companies will be penalised
In their thesis, Stefan Kirkedal and Cæcilie Thielke Mølgaard explore, among other things, how the energy tax on fossil fuels will affect Danish industry in the short and long term.

- Danish companies cannot afford the burden of higher costs if they are not also imposed on foreign companies. It would mean that the energy tax will act as a penalty for companies in the short term, says Stefan Kirkedal, while adding that the higher costs may also lead to companies not having the necessary resources to innovate and find new solutions.

However, in the longer term, the energy tax may help to strengthen Danish businesses, as they will be forced to streamline operations and find new and greener production methods. But nobody knows how long such a process will take.

- There may be serious implications for Denmark if we are looking at a ten-year period of being unable to compete with foreign companies. Many companies will be forced to close, and workplaces will be outsourced, says Cæcilie Thielke Mølgaard. However, she adds that those companies which make it will enjoy a huge competitive advantage over foreign companies without green ambitions.

Framework agreements required
The results of the thesis also show that some sectors will be harder hit by the energy tax than others. Industrial companies in particular will bear the brunt.

According to Stefan Kirkedal and Cæcilie Thielke Mølgaard, the Danish state and industry should together agree on a solution which suits both parties if international support for stricter climate regulation is not forthcoming.

- It is far from ideal that Danish companies are expected to shoulder the costs on their own. The state should introduce subsidy schemes or framework agreements which make it possible for companies to change their energy consumption without undermining their competitiveness because of the significant costs involved, says Cæcilie Thielke Mølgaard.

- The crucial question, of course, is who will be left footing the bill. It is in everyone’s interest that agreements are reached which serve all the parties involved, says Stefan Kirkedal.

An important task
Stefan Kirkedal and Cæcilie Thielke Mølgaard defended their thesis in September, and both were awarded top marks. Their supervisor, economics professor Philipp Schröder, was very impressed with the result.

- They have identified a subject which is very relevant for the broader social debate, and they have shed light on the topic from several different angles. This has produced a solid piece of research. Anyone wanting to know more about the subject should definitely read the thesis, says Philipp Schröder.

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Carbon to be returned to the soil

Biochar may be one of the solutions to reducing emissions of harmful greenhouse gases from agricultural land and to improving soil fertility. These are the research objectives of the EU research project Refertil, which scientists at Aarhus University are participating in.
In contrast to miners that dig the coal out of the soil, a new research project supported by the EU will be putting the coal back into the soil.

Biochar is the name for the product of the so-called pyrolysis of biomasses such as straw and woodchip. Biochar has in recent years emerged as an interesting research topic, because the coal may constitute a solution not only for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that exacerbate climate change but also for increasing the carbon content of soils. The latter will benefit soil fertility as carbon in soil helps to capture nutrients and in that way to halt some of the processes that lead to leaching and gaseous losses of nitrogen.

Lars Elsgaard, lecturer at Aarhus University, is leader of one of the projects of a large EU research project which over the next four years will be looking into whether biochar can be used as a soil amendment product.

It would appear that biochar can be used as a soil improver and as a source of stable carbon in the soil that is very recalcitrant. Biochar also has good adsorption properties and this means that it is able to retain the nutrients in the soil so they are available to plants. The good adsorption properties can also delay the conversion of ammonium to nitrate and thus restrict the formation of the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, he explains.

Side effects

Together with the Knowledge Centre for Agriculture the scientists will be using two different types of biochar and will record yields and greenhouse gas emissions at four different locations in Denmark.

The scientists from Aarhus University will also be looking at possible side effects of biochar and at how biochar may affect the microbial processes in soil, particularly the nitrogen cycle.

The pyrolysis process converts biomass to gas, biochar and oil at high temperatures and under anoxic conditions. This means that a number of chemical compounds are formed, depending on how the process progresses. With our partners in the project we will be testing how different types of biochar affect soil microorganisms and we will look at how it behaves in the soil, says Lars Elsgaard.

The scientists from Aarhus University have previously shown that pyrolysed straw and woodchip from Danish sources did not appear to have any harmful effects on microorganisms and they expect to be able to also document this for the types of biochar used in the new EU project.

We believe that the levels of harmful substances in biochar would have to be unrealistically high for it to be an impediment to the physiological processes in the microorganisms, explains Lars Elsgaard. And Lars Elsgaard has clear expectations of the final results.

I hope that at the end of the project we will be able to document that biochar has a function as a soil improver and that we will be able to measure this in yields. We will also have good documentation for the influence of biochar on the soil ecosystem. And we will finally have found the right technology and biomass for the generation of biochar to help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
There are 14 partners in the project including a large number of private European companies.
Text: Søren Tobberup Hansen


Source: Danish Ministry of the Environment
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