

Environmental Panorama
January of 2012

New Delhi - The New Year brought a new surprise for wildlife monitoring teams near northeastern India’s Kaziranga Tiger Reserve, as a tiger was captured for the first time using one of the important wildlife corridors south of the famous park.

The Karbi Anglong landscape south of Kaziranga has been used by wildlife for generations during peak monsoon periods when the Reserve itself if flooded. Camera traps set up by WWF’s Kaziranga-Karbi Anglong Conservation Programme (KKL) caught the tiger in late December using the Kanchanjuri corridor.

As the communities and tourism activities in the already heavily populated region south of Kaziranga grow, the area’s four main wildlife corridors, including Kanchanjuri, continue to be squeezed by human activity and infrastructure. In addition to the tiger, the photos also captured important and endangered wildlife such as elephants, common leopards, wild boar, barking deer and even a melanistic leopard, commonly called a black panther.

The discoveries have led WWF-India to reiterate its long term support for these vital wildlife corridors. The WWF KKL team has been working with communities in the region since 2005, and has been documenting wildlife using the corridors since initially setting up camera traps in June 2010.

The Kaziranga-Karbi Anglong landscape, in the far northeastern Indian state of Assam, is one of 12 priority landscapes in which WWF focuses its tiger conservation efforts. Kaziranga Tiger Reserve has the world’s highest density of Bengal tigers. Animals migrating from Kaziranga during floods to the Karbi Anglong hills to the South use specific forested strips or ‘corridors’ running across National Highway 37 to reach higher ground. Four main corridors are currently intact – Kanchanjuri, Panbari, Haldibari and Amguri.

WWF India is continuing to document tiger and wildlife migrations, and will intensify its efforts with communities in the region to ensure thriving corridors and protection of the species that use them.

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Wild west fishing in distant waters

A new WWF commissioned study highlights the impact European fisheries are having globally by fishing outside of European waters.
The report entitled Spatial expansion of EU and non-EU fishing fleets into the global ocean 1950 to the present clearly shows that European Union (EU) fishing fleets have expanded beyond EU waters exploiting new fishing ground since 1980 and increasing the pressure on fish stocks.

The study for the first time allows viewers to easily see the global expansion of fishing activity, from 1950 to the present, through an animated map.

It shows that European vessels are now traveling to the furthest corners of the world to fish. Declining domestic catches and efforts to reduce the number of vessels fishing in European waters have resulted in many European fishing fleets concentrating their fishing efforts elsewhere.

As part of its campaign to see ambitious reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), WWF is calling on the EU and Member States to ensure that this fishing zeal is matched by the accountability to ensure its fleets fish sustainably, and to champion sustainable fisheries management on the international stage.

WWF also asks that the €1 billion in earmarked EU budget for distant water fleet operations and management are in no way used to fund destructive or unstustainable fishing practices.

The reform of its Common Fisheries Policy is a unique opportunity for the EU to ensure all EU vessels, wherever they operate in the world, fish sustainably and to promote sustainability principles internationally.

"We need to save fisheries worldwide from decline and bankruptcy and reverse marine degradation. If the EU fails to take a leadership role in global fisheries management and ocean protection, it will further contribute to the global fisheries crisis and jeopardise global food security in the long run" Aimee Gonzales, Manager, EU Fisheries and Trade, WWF International.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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