

Environmental Panorama
February of 2012

Posted on 27 February 2012 - Denmark, followed by Israel, Sweden, Finland and the US provide the best conditions today for clean technology start-up creation, with companies in the Asia Pacific region following closely behind when it comes to commercial success, the first Global Cleantech Innovation Index shows.

In Coming Clean: The Global Cleantech Innovation Index 2012, Cleantech Group and WWF looks at where entrepreneurial cleantech companies are growing today, reasons as to where they will spring-up over the coming years, and which countries are falling above and below the curve for fostering cleantech innovation.

Thirty-eight countries were evaluated on 15 indicators related to the creation and commercialisation of cleantech start-ups, generating an index measuring each one’s potential, relative to their economic size, to produce entrepreneurial cleantech start-up companies and commercialise clean technology innovations over the next 10 years.

“The global macro-economic landscape is shifting; fostering entrepreneurial start-ups and growth companies with clean technology solutions will be an increasingly important part of countries’ competitiveness on the world stage” said Richard Youngman, Managing Director Europe & Asia, Cleantech Group.

The four top scoring countries were Denmark, Israel, Sweden and Finland. These countries all have small economies and while they are the source of much innovation, they have less ability to scale-up companies. These small countries need innovative approaches and collaboration to compensate for the lack of large domestic markets and inconsistent availability of finance throughout a company’s life-cycle.

“This index shows that several countries are on the right track, but clearly much more needs to be done if we are to properly address climate change and achieve a transition towards a global 100 percent renewable future,” said Samantha Smith, leader of WWF’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative.

“The overwhelming majority of capital required for making the transition to a low-carbon future will come from a variety of private sources. Developing a working recipe for strengthening the flow of public-private finance towards early as well as later stage cleantech is key for countries that want to taste the economic success of cleantech,” she added.

North America and northern Europe emerged as the primary contributors to the development of innovative cleantech companies.

The US placed fifth in the Index. However in absolute terms, without factoring in economic size, the United States leads in many measures of cleantech innovation: the country has the greatest public cleantech R&D budget, the greatest number of cleantech start-ups and investors, as well as the most venture capital, private equity, and M&A deals in cleantech.

However, the Asia Pacific region performs well when it comes to scaling up entrepreneurial cleantech companies to wider commercial success and revenue creation.

While currently seeing fewer emerging cleantech start-ups and placing 13th, China leads in cleantech manufacturing, is strong in early-stage growth, and shows potential to produce more early stage innovation in the future.

The country is rapidly gaining access to funding due to success in raising money for cleantech-focused funds. Additionally, China has been home to the majority of cleantech IPOs since 2009, many of which listed on the recently established ChiNext board of the Shenzhen stock exchange.

Similarly, India scores 12th but is performing well in fund raising towards Cleantech focused funds and has much activity in later stage Cleantech companies.

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Polar seas protection on ice

Posted on 27 February 2012 - Due to procedural objections by mostly non-polar states and the industry lobby, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations body tasked with developing shipping regulations, shelved the development of the environmental section of the Polar Code until 2013, increasing the risk of harm to both the Arctic and Antarctic.

This is a major setback for polar environmental protection; considering how quickly the polar environment is changing and how sensitive these areas are, these rules need to be developed sooner rather than later.

“A delay in protecting these fragile seas is bad enough,” says Dr. Simon Walmsley, Marine Manager for WWF International. “Of most concern is the attempt to altogether halt the development of rules to decrease the environmental impact from polar shipping.”

Rapid warming in the Arctic particularly has led to the opening up of sea routes in the area. Both the Northern Sea Route (above Russia and Scandinavia) and the Northwest Passage (above Alaska and Canada) have seen substantial increases in shipping over the past few years. The Northern Sea route in particular is being targeted as a route for tanker and bulk traffic. Shipping through the Northern Sea Route increased by three times between 2010 and 2011.

“The rules that could be instituted by a polar code are essential for making this increased traffic safer and more environmentally responsible,” says Lars Erik Mangset, Shipping and Climate Advisor at WWF Norway.

“These rules could limit emissions and discharges of pollutants to both the air and water, they could also help to limit climate change impacts, and reduce disturbance and strikes of marine mammals. The longer the Polar Regions are deprived of these protections, the greater the risk. It is unacceptable that these globally important areas are deprived of environmental protection and that commercial interests without a stake in the future of Polar Regions should override the development of environmental protection. ”

WWF is calling on all states and commercial interests to work on developing the environmental chapter of the IMO Polar Code without delay to ensure the protection of these globally significant Polar Regions from harmful effects of shipping activities.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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