

Environmental Panorama
March of 2012

16 March 2012 - Impacts on the Great Barrier Reef will be considered as part of an Australian Government assessment of whether or not Rio Tinto Weipa Pty Ltd’s proposed South of Embley Bauxite Mine and Port Development in Queensland can progress under national environment law.

Environment Minister Tony Burke said after considering significant new information, he had determined that the assessment process should include the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, World Heritage properties and National Heritage Places.

In September 2010, Rio Tinto Weipa Pty Ltd submitted a proposal for federal assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to extend its existing bauxite mining operations south of the Embley River near Weipa on western Cape York.

The proposal for bauxite mining includes construction and operation of two new bauxite processing plants and infrastructure associated with the mining operations.

In October 2010, it was determined the proposal had the potential to trigger the EPBC Act and would need full federal environmental assessment.

“Following a request to reconsider the decision on the basis of new information about proposed shipping activities in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, I have revoked the original referral decision and substituted it with one that takes the reef into account,” Mr Burke said.

“The Great Barrier Reef is one of our most significant environmental assets and has been recognised as among the world’s healthiest coral reef ecosystems and best managed marine areas.

“These new provisions will ensure we continue our commitment to sustainable development that ensures the outstanding universal value of the Great Barrier Reef is protected.”

The decision is based on significant new information in Rio Tinto Weipa Pty Ltd’s draft environmental impact statement, which was provided by the company during the assessment process.

The draft environmental impact statement included information on shipping in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park not provided with the initial referral.

The EPBC Act allows for new information to be adopted during a federal assessment process and in this instance provides an opportunity for new shipping information to be taken into account.

“I have made clear that I want potential shipping movements in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area to be taken into account for all relevant decisions,” Mr Burke said.

“The reconsideration decision means the significant new information provided about shipping can be fully taken into account to ensure the protection of the Great Barrier Reef before the proposal is assessed.”

As part of this process the public comments on the reconsideration request were considered.

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The Australian Government Welcomes the Withdrawal of the Japanese Whaling Fleet

09 March 2012 - The Australian Government welcomes Japan's decision to recall its whaling fleet from the Southern Ocean.

Australia condemns all commercial whaling, including Japan's so called "scientific" whaling program.

Japan's whaling activities are contrary to international law. That is why Australia commenced and will continue legal action in the International Court of Justice. New Zealand has announced its intention to intervene in support of Australia's case. Our efforts are aimed at ending Southern Ocean whaling for good.

The Australian Government has and will continue to call on all parties to exercise restraint and to ensure that safety of human life at sea is the highest priority. With the Japanese fleet returning home, Australia will continue its efforts to achieve a permanent end to whaling in a calm and measured manner, through the International Court of Justice.


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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