

Environmental Panorama
September of 2012

21 September 2012 - The Department of Environmental Affairs would like to make a renewed call for action by all South Africans against the ongoing scourge of rhino poaching, ahead of the third annual World Rhino Day on the 22 September 2012.

Spokesperson for the Department of Environmental Affairs, Albi Modise stressed that, “It is clear we need to continue working with all stakeholders and our entire South African society, if this war on rhino poaching is to be won. It is clear that this is an organised crime. And in dealing with organised criminals we need inputs and action from all South Africans in an organised manner.”

The latest statistics on rhinos poached for 2012 stand at 388, with the Kruger National Park having lost a total of 241 rhinos since the beginning of the year. Limpopo, the North-West and KwaZulu-Natal continue to be the provinces most targeted by poachers, collectively accounting for 119 of the total rhinos poached this year.

The South African government views the illegal killing of our national treasure in a very serious light and our commitment to addressing rhino poaching remains unwavering. Government continues to prioritise our fight against this crime jointly with the security cluster Ministers and their departments.

Operation Rhino still remains a standing agenda item of the National Joints Committee (Nat Joints Com), which comprises of senior members of SAPS, NPA and the South African National Defence Force. As a result of this ongoing cooperation, 203 people have been arrested in 2012 alone for rhino poaching and related activities. Of these, 176 were poachers, 10 receivers or couriers and 17 were couriers or buyers.

Numerous other identified interventions continue to be implemented in an attempt to curb rhino poaching. These interventions range from publication and implementation of the norms and standards for the marking of rhinoceros horn and for the hunting of rhinoceros for trophy hunting purposes to the Council of the Global Environment Facility having approved R 25m of funding aimed at strengthening our wildlife forensic capabilities. At an international level, the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation on the field of Biodiversity Conservation and Protection between South Africa and Vietnam is at an advanced stage.

“However the concern expressed by South Africans as well as the numerous initiatives aimed at raising awareness around the poaching of our precious resource also needs to be commended as South Africans prepare to commemorate World Rhino Day this Saturday. The public continue to make a meaningful contribution in the fight against poaching but enhanced participation is required to deal effectively with this grave situation before is too late,” said Modise.

Government would like to reiterate its call to the South African public to be an active part of the fight against rhino poaching. Any incidents of rhino poaching or tip-offs that can prevent illegal killings or lead to arrest can be reported to 0800 205 005.

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Update on rhino poaching and Operation Skhumba focuses on taxidermy and tannery industry

22 August 2012 - As part of government’s ongoing initiatives in the fight against rhino poaching, a National Enforcement Blitz was conducted by the Green Scorpions. The Blitz, titled Operation Skhumba, was conducted jointly by officials from the national Department of Environmental Affairs as well as provincial Environment Departments. It occurred during the week of 14 August and focused on the Tannery and Taxidermy industries in the Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West and Western Cape provinces. Approximately 28 facilities were inspected during the Operation.

The blitz was executed by the Green Scorpions amidst an increase in the number of rhinos poached in South Africa, with the figure since the beginning of this year now standing at 339 and a total of 192 individuals arrested in connection with rhino poaching.

The Kruger National Park has lost a total of 201 rhinos to illegal killings in 2012.

The Green Scorpions conducted inspections looking at compliance with the legal requirements related to waste, pollution and biodiversity issues. Under biodiversity issues, the two main aims were to check compliance with regard to the Threatened Or Protected Species Regulations (TOPS) as well as compliance with the amended Norms and Standards on the marking of rhinoceros and rhinoceros horn and for the hunting of rhinoceros for trophy hunting purposes under the National Environmental Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004, as published in Government Notice no. 304 on the 10th of April 2012.This is in line with the Department’s plan to ensure ongoing industry compliance in an effort to curb the number of environmental crimes, including rhino poaching.

The amended norms and standards are intended to strengthen the regulatory framework in terms of monitoring the legality of hunts and control over rhino horns. Stricter provisions relating to hunting were required to ensure that processes are standardized and to reduce possible abuse of the system. According to the amended norms and standards, rhino horns from trophy hunts are expected to be transported by a duly authorised person from the address where a hunt took place directly to a taxidermist for processing and exportation. The transportation of horns may only be authorised in terms of an individual permit granted by the issuing authority (it may not be authorised in terms of a standing permit or in combination with the hunting permit).The permit authorising the hunt and a copy of the professional hunting register must accompany all rhino products when being transported between destinations. Also, by law, when taxidermies receive rhino horns, these needs to be reported to the respective provincial conservation authorities. Taxidermies are in addition, required to keep a register detailing the date of receipt of the rhino horns, their weight, micro-chip numbers as well as the numbers of the hunting permit, transport permit and professional hunting register. This register must be made available to the issuing authority for inspection upon request. Ensuring that these amended norms and standards are being adhered to, was also one of the focuses of the Operation.

Alongside taxidermies, Operation Skhumba also focused on some of the country’s tanneries. During 2011, criminal investigations were initiated against tanneries in the Eastern Cape for non-compliance with environmental legislation. So, through Operation Skhumba, the Green Scorpions aimed to also inspect tanneries in other (what do we mean by other regions) regions in order to ensure that such transgressions do not continue unabated.

While it was found during the Operation that some of the inspected facilities were adhering to the relevant environmental legislation, most were not in compliance. The most frequent transgressions uncovered related to poor waste management processes. A smaller number of the inspected facilities were also found not be in possession of the required licences, including air and waste licences. From a biodiversity perspective, the most frequent issues of non-compliance related to the absence of hunting registers and the absence of TOPS permits.

Investigations into the cases of non-compliance found by the Green Scorpions are currently underway. The findings on these will be released once all due processes are complete.

Members of the public are also urged to report any non-compliances that they are aware of to our Environmental crimes hotline on 0800 205 005.


Source: South African Environmental
Press consultantship
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