

Environmental Panorama
December of 2012

Posted on 11 December 2012 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Royal Malaysian Customs have made its largest ever seizure of ivory in transit through the country, finding 1,500 pieces of tusks hidden in wooden crates purpose-built to look like stacks of sawn timber.

The ivory, stashed in ten crates which were divided between two containers, were shipped from the port of Lomé in Togo and were headed to China, the Selangor State Customs Director Dato’ Azis Yacub told a press conference today.

The shipment also transited through Algeciras in Spain before it headed for West Port in Port Kelang, one of Peninsular Malaysia’s busiest container terminals.

The two containers, declared to be carrying “wooden floor tiles acajou”, were held on December 7th and inspected. After removing the top layer of the crates, officers found the ivory in a secret compartment measuring about one metre deep.

A Malaysian company based at the port is being investigated and if convicted, the company could face up to RM500,000 in fines and individuals a maximum of five years in jail, or both.

Togo is known to be a major source of ivory exiting Africa. Although it has never reported any seizures of its own, the country is regularly implicated as the source of ivory seized in other locations.

This is the fourth seizure of African elephant ivory at Port Kelang and the sixth in the country since July 2011. In September 2011, 695 elephant tusks weighing close to two tonnes were seized in Port Kelang and in January this year, another seizure in December 2011 yielded 1.4 tonnes of ivory, and in January this year, a consignment weighing 492 kilogrammes was also seized there, seizures have also were been made in other ports of Penang and Johor.

Concern over Malaysia’s role as a transit point for illegal ivory shipments was highlighted at a meeting of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) this July: the country was asked to report on what action it has taken to address the issue.

Azis called on the public to continue providing the department with information that would help it stop more shipments like these. He assured that informants identities would be kept confidential and a financial reward would be paid if the information led to a successful case.

“TRAFFIC commends the customs department on its vigilance and hopes to see it pursue all leads towards finding the criminals that are using Malaysia as a transit point for ivory,” said Dr William Schaedla, TRAFFIC’s Director in South-East Asia.

“We also urge authorities to ensure proper systems are in place to catalogue and stockpile the seized ivory,” Schaedla.

TRAFFIC also encourages all the countries implicated in the seizure to investigate the case thoroughly, so that those behind the shipment can be traced and brought to justice.

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New agreement between South Africa and Viet Nam - A turning point in tackling rhino poaching crisis, say WWF, TRAFFIC

Posted on 10 December 2012 | Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 10th December — A pivotal moment in efforts to tackle the current rhino poaching crisis took place today as the governments of South Africa and Viet Nam signed a Memorandum of Understanding to improve co-operation between the two states on biodiversity conservation and protection including tackling illegal wildlife trafficking.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by H.E. Edna Molewa, Minister for the South African Department of Water and Environmental Affairs and H.E. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam during a visit by Minister Molewa to Viet Nam. The main elements of co-operation outlined in the MoU include the field of biodiversity management, conservation, protection, law enforcement, compliance with CITES and other relevant legislation and Conventions. Based on equality and mutual benefit it comes into force on the date of signature and notes specifically that illegal wildlife trafficking remains a global challenge.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, H.E. Edna Molewa said: “South Africa is looking forward to receiving the close co-operation from Vietnamese partners to stop the illegal trade of rhino horns from South Africa to Vietnam."

H.E. Cao Duc Phat, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam also recognised the importance of co-operation between the two countries, stating that: "Fighting against crime on wildlife regulations especially on the rare, precious and endangered species including rhinos and its derivatives are always of concern to the Vietnam government.”

He stressed: “The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in co-operation with related ministries and agencies, are submitting the Prime Minister to issue a Decision on banning the import of all rhino specimens to Vietnam in 2012.”

Although the MoU between South Africa and Viet Nam refers only in general terms to addressing illegal wildlife smuggling, there are clear indications that rhino horn trafficking will be top of the new agenda on co-operation between the two nations.

“WWF and TRAFFIC welcome the new agreement, which marks a turning point in efforts to protect Africa’s rhinos and look forward to seeing action being undertaken by both countries to end the current rhino poaching crisis,” said Stuart Chapman, WWF-Greater Mekong Conservation Director.

“South Africa and Viet Nam have publicly signalled their intention to get tough on the criminal syndicates behind the rhino poaching spree,” said Chapman.

Currently hundreds of rhinos are being poached each year in South Africa, their horns hacked off and smuggled to meet the soaring demand in Viet Nam, where rhino horn is in demand as a supposed “miracle medicine”, despite a lack of supporting medical evidence.

Asian-run criminal syndicates are believed to be behind much of the crime, with couriers paid to smuggle poached horns from Africa to Asia, where they end up in the hands of wealthy Vietnamese. TRAFFIC’s report released in August 2012 identified Viet Nam as the prime destination for much of the illegal rhino horn.

Rhino poaching numbers in South Africa have surged from 13 in 2007, to over 600 in 2012. In addition, there have been 246 people arrested in connection with the poaching of rhinos and the illegal trade of rhino horn in South Africa in 2012 alone.

In 2010, TRAFFIC convened a meeting between South African enforcement officials and their counterparts in Viet Nam to establish links between the two as part of a major effort to address the rhino horn crisis. This meeting and a subsequent return visit by Vietnamese officials to South Africa, laid the foundation for today’s intergovernmental agreement.

“Rhino poaching is a key burning conservation issue, and through the public commitments of the two governments at this signing ceremony today, we have seen promising beginnings of collaborative action. This commitment now needs to be turned into urgent action to turn the crisis around,” said Dr. Naomi Doak, Coordinator of TRAFFIC Southeast Asia–Greater Mekong Programme.

“The world’s rhino populations are hanging by a thread, and today the opportunity was taken to throw them another lifeline,” said Dr. Doak.

Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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