(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

The Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report describes progress in understanding of the human and natural drivers of climate change1, observed climate change, climate processes and attribution, and
estimates of projected future climate change.

It builds upon past IPCC assessments and incorporates new findings from the past six years of research.

Scientific progress since the TAR is based upon large amounts of new and more comprehensive data, more sophisticated analyses of data, improvements in understanding of processes and their simulation in models, and more extensive exploration of uncertainty ranges.

The basis for substantive paragraphs in this Summary for Policymakers can be found in the chapter sections specified
in curly brackets.

- Report of the 18th Session - (Wembley, September 2001)
- Report of the 19th Session – (Geneva, April 2002)
- Report of the 20th Session – (Paris, February 2003)
- Report of the 21th Session – (Vienna, November 2003)
- Report of the 22th Session – (New Delhi, November 2004)
- Report of the 23th Session – (Addis Ababa, April 2005)
- Report of the 24th Session – (Montreal, September 2005)
- Report of the 25th Session – (Port Louis, April 2006)
- Climate Change 2007

- Climate change and water adaptation issues
The impact of climate change on Europe's water resources is a critical issue for people’s lives and the economy. Even if emissions of greenhouse gases were stabilised today, increases in temperature and the associated impacts, including water availability and flooding, will continue for many decades to come. Countries are aware of these impacts and have started to adapt to them but there is still much to do.


Source: IPCC
United Nations
European Environment Agency
Encyclopedia Wikipedia
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