Treaty for Amazonian cooperation

The Republics of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela,

Conscious of the importance to each one of the Parties of their respective Amazonian regions as an integral part of their respective territories,

Inspired by the common aim of pooling the efforts being made, both within their respective territories as well as among themselves, to promote the harmonious development of the Amazon region, to permit an equitable distribution of the benefits of said development among the Contracting Parties so as to raise the
standard of living of their peoples and so as to achieve total incorporation of their Amazonian territories into their respective national economies,

Conscious of the usefulness of sharing national experiences in matters pertaining to the promotion of regional development,

Considering that, so as to achieve overall development of their respective Amazonian territories, it is necessary to maintain a balance between economic growth and conservation of the environment,

Conscious that both socio-economic development as well as conservation of the environment are responsibilities inherent in the sovereignty of each State, and that cooperation among the Contracting Parties shall facilitate fulfillment of these responsibilities, by continuing and expanding the joint efforts being made for the ecological conservation of the Amazon region,

Confident that cooperation among the Latin American nations on specific matters which they have in common shall contribute to progress on the road towards the integration and solidarity of all Latin America,

Convinced that this Treaty represents the beginning of a process of cooperation which shall benefit their respective countries and the Amazon region as a whole,

*Download - Treaty for Amazonian cooperation


Source: United Nations
Encyclopedia Wikipedia
MMA – Ministry of the Environment
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