6 Billion Others Launched in Copenhague: Portraits of Lives Impacted by Climate Change

11 December 2009, Copenhagen / Denmark Millions of lives around the world are already impacted by climate change. Vulnerable communities in some of the least developed corners of the earth, are adapting to natural disaster, draught, floods and rapidly shrinking resources.

"6 Billion Others", a film by renowned film director, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, depicts the lives of individuals and communities on the frontline of the climate challenge.

The film is being launched in Copenhagen this week, in cooperation with a number of UN agencies, including the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The images are powerful, moving and in some cases shocking.

We hear the voices of those affected by the inadequate climate action of the past and the ones who are likely to suffer if world leaders fail to watch, listen and above all act.

"6 Billion Others" presents the difficult and sometimes tragic effects of climate change, as internationally renowned aerial photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand and his team travelled the world to interview and film more than 600 people in 17 countries.

For the film interviews, a list of specific questions on climate, validated by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) were adapted according to the circumstances.

One testimony from a fisher in Bangladesh, as an example of the many testimonies collected, says:

"I fear the sea. The sea is my only fear. Where will we go? The water is coming closer every day, the country is worsening day by day. I have never seen this before."

This project corroborated by science, intends to emphasize the need for global awareness.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand, said, "Following my recent appointment as Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), officials of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) urged us to join forces in raising awareness of the problems of climate disturbance among the largest possible audience."

"6 Billion Others - Climate Voices" was officially launched in Copenhagen during the current climate change negotiations to present the collective voice of people whose lives have already been devastated by climate change impacts and those who are forced to live with the impacts.

Notes to Editors

Produced by GoodPlanet.org, supported by the French Ministry of Ecology, ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) and UNEP, WMO,IPCC, ISDR and UN-Habitat, within the spirit of a united UN system response to climate change.

Screenings in Copenhagen:

Danish Film Institut / Cinematek 8 -18 December
10h00 to 13h00 - 6 Billion Others screenings every day for schools

CO2 Offsets

The 62 tonnes of CO2 emitted during the travels in the 17 countries have been offset by purchasing three biodigesters in India through 'Action Carbone' (a GoodPlanet's project). A biodigester is a large tank of animal excreta which produces biogas via fermentation. The effluents mixed with straw and worms become vermicompost in place of artificial fertilizers. The installation of these biogas tanks provides a real solution for rural Indian families.
Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson and Head of Media




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