Merkel concerned over Copenhagen pace

German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced concern Tuesday about the pace of climate negotiations in Copenhagen and said she is "somewhat nervous" about prospects of success.
15/12/2009 - The crucial conference in the Danish capital, which is due to end Friday, has been marked by deep divisions between rich and poor nations. It is supposed to deliver a deal to curb emissions of the gases that cause global warming.

"These kinds of big conferences with many, many interests frequently get stuck, but it's Tuesday already and we want to be done on Friday," Merkel said after meeting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

All involved should make a "constructive contribution so that Copenhagen can be a success," Merkel said. However, she added: "I don't want to hide the fact I am somewhat nervous as to whether we will manage all that."

Yudhoyono said climate talks in Bali two years ago had shown that deadlocks can be broken. "We just need good will and openness on the part of all involved," he said.

The hoped-for deal in Copenhagen is supposed to pave the way for a final treaty to be negotiated over the next six to 12 months.

"We need international monitoring of the results of Copenhagen ... otherwise every country can promise something (and) that's not enough," Merkel said.

"We need an international mechanism that monitors things" under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, she added.

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China accuses developed countries on climate China has accused developed countries of backsliding on what is says are their obligations to fight climate change and has warned that the UN climate talks in Copenhagen have entered a critical stage.

15/12/2009 - Foreign Ministry spokewoman Jiang Yu said Tuesday there had been "some regression" on the part of developed countries, who had "put forward a plethora" of demands on developing countries.

She said it "will hamper the Copenhagen conference."

China and the United States are the world's top two carbon polluters and have been at odds in Copenhagen.

Beijing's view is that the US and other rich nations have a heavy historical responsibility to cut emissions, and any climate deal should take into account a country's development level.




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