Brazil ready to provide funding

As the first developing country, Brazil offers to contribute to the finance mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol – if an agreement is reached in Copenhagen Friday, says President Lula.
Morten Andersen - 18/12/2009 - In what he admitted might come as a surprise to his own countrymen, Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva (photo above) opened a door for his country to contribute economically to climate change measures in other, more needing countries.

"I have not said this at home, and not even to my team here in Copenhagen, but if it is necessary for Brazil to tap money to other countries, we will be willing to participate in the (UN) finance mechanisms – IF we reach a global agreement here in Copenhagen today," Lula said as he addressed the plenary of the UN conference shortly after noon Friday local time.

Also on the subject of funding, the President said he understood demands Thursday by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for transparency on the part of developing countries:

"Those countries that provide funds have the right to demand transparency."

Still, Lula underlined that the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of emerging economy emissions" should respect the sovereignty of each country" and that action on climate change should not hamper economic growth in the developing world:

"For a lot of people in Brazil, in Africa, in India, China and other developing countries three meals a day is still something of the future."

President Lula also said that he did not favor agreeing on a statement "only to be able to say we agreed on something." Instead "we should together, rich and poor countries, establish a common ground for an agreement, so we can leave Copenhagen proud."




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