EU challenges US and China

The European Union makes clear it is ready to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels - if the US and China "do their part".
Morten Andersen - 18/12/2009 - The European Union will raise its emission reduction target from the 20 percent previously announced by 2020 to 30 percent "in a global ambitious agreement".

This was announced by Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden that holds the rotating EU presidency, as he addressed the plennary of the UN conference in Copenhagen on Friday afternoon.

"We use the conditional 30 percent reduction as a lever to bring others with us to raised ambitions. We will keep that pressure!" Fredrik Reinfeldt said.

More specifically he challenged the United States and China:

"Together you are responsible for half of the global greenhouse gas emissions. You have different responsibilities and capabilities. From the United States we expect, as from developed countries, a legally binding economy-wide commitment to reduce emissions. From China we expect binding actions. Your ability to reduce emissions will be absolutely critical. It is promising that you have come forward with your contributions in an international context. However, the world needs more and we are confident that you have the ability to deliver more."

The present ambitions of the US and China will not be enough to keep global warming below two degrees Celsius, Fredrik Reinfeldt made clear:

"Therefore I turn to you, as a friend and a committed partner, and I say: United States and China: unleash your full potential and thereby the world's efforts - make it possible for the world to stay below two degrees!"




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