Agenda 21
(The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development)

Agenda 21 - Introduction

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, was a historical watershed, representing a planetary effort to establish new directions for development that would be based on concern for environmental protection, social justice and economic efficiency.

This Conference resulted in five documents: Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest Principles, the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Agenda 21 - Part 01

This Strategy was adopted on the 24th January 2001 by the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.

The preparation for the plan was undertaken by the Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council with the assistance of the Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service (CVS).

It is, however, the product of a very real partnership with a wide range of organisations and bodies, and the contribution of local communities and schools throughout the County Borough.

Agenda 21 - Part 02 (Dissemination of the information)

The write ups of each meeting were immediately circulated to each Corporate Director of the County Borough and to the appropriate officer for service delivery in each of the following organisations: South Wales Police, West Wales TEC, Iechyd Morgannwg Health, Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency, the Welsh Development Agency, the local M.P. and the Council for Voluntary Service. They were also sent to the appropriate Community Council.
Accompanying the write up was a request for feedback if action was taken to remedy any specific issue.

Some of the issues could not be dealt with as immediate practical problems, this remaining data is intended to advise future strategies and sustainable service delivery plans for all interested parties in addition to forming a basis for the Agenda for the 21st Century.

Agenda 21 – Part 03 (Sustainability Indicators)

Responding to the data from the public meetings, the Local Authority agreed Sustainability Indicators with the partner organizations over a series of meetings.

Agenda 21 – Part 04 (The Plan)

One of the first things that became apparent from the consultation meetings was the marked differences between our communities. If problems are to be dealt with as local people would like, they cannot all be lumped together and dealt with across the County in one way from centralized offices. This therefore requires new mechanisms to be put into place (I) to listen and (II) to deliver on a more locally sensitive system. The Agenda 21 Plan will be integrated into the Community Strategy for Neath Port Talbot. Guidance on the preparation and implementation of this new statutory duty will be issued by the National Assembly for Wales during the Spring of 2001. The Authority will seek ways of addressing community involvement and integrating this into the working of the Council, in order that it and its partners may be more aware of and responsive to local community aspirations and issues.

Agenda 21 - Protection of the Quality and Supply of Freshwater Resources

Application of Integrated Approaches to the Development, Management and Use of Water Freshwater resources are an essential component of the Earth's hydrosphere and an indispensable part of all terrestrial ecosystems. The freshwater environment is characterized by the hydrological cycle, including floods and droughts, which in some regions have become more extreme and dramatic in their consequences. Global climate change and atmospheric pollution could also have an impact on freshwater resources and their availability and, through sea-level rise, threaten low-lying coastal areas and small island ecosystems.

Source: United Nations
Encyclopedia Wikipedia
Pick-upau Environmental Agency
European Environment Agency
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