Convention for the Protection of Animals during
International Transport
of the treaty
On 19 March 1996, at the first meeting of the Working
Party for the preparation of their third Multilateral
Consultation, the Parties to the European Convention
for the protection of animals during international
transport (ETS No. 65) recognised that the experience
acquired and scientific results obtained since the
opening for signature of the Convention permitted
them to foresee bringing the provisions up to date
and clarifying their wording in order to facilitate
its implementation.
The revised Convention
builds on the lessons learnt from the last 30 years
of experience and scientific results made available
during this period. It contains provisions designed
to overcome defects and to facilitate the implementation
of the principles of the Convention.
It was built as a framework convention laying down
essential principles applying to all species.
It provides for technical protocols which can be amended
following a simplified procedure, facilitating thereby
their updating in the light of scientific evidence
and experience acquired.
The revised Convention
provides for the denunciation of the original Convention.
The Parties are thus not simultaneously bound by contradictory