Global Judges Programme

Success in tackling environmental degradation relies on the full participation of everyone in society. It is essential therefore, to forge a global partnership among all relevant stakeholders for the protection of the
environment based on the affirmation of the human values set out in the UN Millennium Declaration: freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature and shared responsibility. The judiciary plays a key role in weaving these values into the fabric of our societies.

The judiciary is also a crucial partner in promoting environmental governance, upholding the rule of law and in ensuring a fair balance between environmental, social and developmental considerations through their judgements and declarations.

The courts of many countries have shown sensitivity to promoting the rule of law in the field of environment and sustainable development, which has been amply demonstrated at several Regional Judges Symposia organised by UNEP across the world and at the Global Judges Symposium held on the eve of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, in August 2002.

This publication outlines the work done by UNEP in co-operation with several partners in developing and implementing a programme to engage the judiciaries of all countries in the pursuit of the Rule of Law in the area of environment and sustainable development.

I wish to express our deep appreciation to the Chief Justices and other Senior Judges for their contribution into the global and regional judges symposia, and their sincere commitment to collaborate with UNEP in the development and implementation of national activities for the implementation of the UNEP Governing Council Decision 22/17/II A on follow-up to the Global Judges Symposium focusing on capacity-building in the area of environmental law.

Klaus Toepfer
Executive Director – UNEP

*Global Judges Programme - Download


Source: United Nations
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