

Environmental Panorama
January of 2009

Stonewall Cymru has named Environment Agency Wales as the top employer in Wales. This ranking has been published in Stonewall’s annual Workplace Equality Index, showcasing the UK's top 100 employers for lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

Environment Agency Wales Director, Chris Mills said: “I am delighted to hear that Environment Agency Wales is now first amongst Welsh employers in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. This achievement demonstrates the value we place on working together with our staff to create a better workplace.

“Environment Agency Wales has been in the index for three years. In that time, staff members have helped us to shape sensible and inclusive work policies and equality and diversity have become a natural part of how we operate.

Everyday, our staff show their high standard of commitment to providing a better, cleaner healthier Wales for future generations. Providing an ethical and supportive workplace is an active part of our commitment to their personal and professional development.”

The title of the Environment Agency’s application to Stonewall: “To truly make a difference to the environment we need to be as diverse as the habitats we protect" demonstrates the Environment Agency’s commitment to a diverse workplace. Staff at Environment Agency Wales are proud of this achievement. We will continue to work hard to improve diversity and the environment for all the communities of Wales.

The Environment Agency has a very active internal staff network. In addition to their own roles, network members work with diversity advisors to improve equal opportunities policies and support for our lesbian, gay and bisexual colleagues is a benchmark for good practice, but there’s more work to do.

By opening the staff network to include colleagues who are friends and family members of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, we can provide support for even more individuals to make a difference in their professional and personal lives.

External activities including attending Pride events across the UK also shows an understanding that communities and communities of interest all have an important role to play in protecting and improving the environment.

Environment Agency Wales , Team Leader, Matthew Ross said: "I work for Environment Agency Wales because I care about the environment. Being open as myself at work means I can do my best for the environment without holding back. I am proud to work for an organisation that values me as a whole person. It really is ok to be different and work for us."

Employers in the Workplace Equality index were ranked according to criteria ranging from implementation of an effective equality policy to demonstrating how they engage with their lesbian and gay staff and customers and service users. The Index assesses actual practice, such as recruitment and mentoring activity, as well as policy.

Stonewall Cymru is an all-Wales charity that aims to achieve legal equality and social justice for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people in Wales. Through the Diversity Champions Cymru programme employers in Wales can work with Stonewall Cymru to promote diversity in the workplace.

Stonewall Cymru Director, Liz Morgan said: “I am delighted that Environment Agency Wales has been named the Top Welsh Employer in Stonewall’s 2009 Workplace Equality Index. The 2009 Index is the most competitive yet so this is a great achievement. I hope other organisations in Wales will follow Environment Agency Wales’ example in working with Stonewall Cymru and the Diversity Champions programme.”

Living Waters for Wales
Environment Agency Wales is asking people and businesses to give their views on how to improve waters across Wales as part of the Living Waters for Wales, a sixmonth consultation to find out the best ways to create an even better natu

For the first time ever, all issues affecting water can be addressed together to find shared solutions to improving water quality, supply, flood risk and to reducing pollution.

Water quality in Wales has improved considerably over the past twenty years. This is a great opportunity to ensure that our water environment reaches an even higher standard.

We have opened the consultation to everyone and are particularly keen to hear from farmers, water companies, anglers, industry and those involved in mining, quarrying and navigation. Information sharing sessions will be held locally by the Agency and other organisations between now and 22nd June to develop a final plan that sets out an agreed way of improving Wales’ waters for everybody.

Chris Mills, Director Environment Agency Wales says: ‘Wales’ waters are there for us all. We use and enjoy them in very many different ways and we all need to look after them.

We’re wise enough to know that solutions aren’t instant or simple. We now have the opportunity of a lifetime to collectively set out the next steps for improving things for the future.

We will work on a long term programme of environmental improvements to make local rivers a better place for wildlife and all water users. We need help from people who know about their local area. We ask anybody who has an interest in the health of our waters to take a look at our website or come to one of the local discussion sessions being run over the next six months.’

Jane Davidson, Minister for the Environment, Sustainability and Housing says: ‘The quality of Wales’ water environment affects us all and the Welsh Assembly Government is determined to protect our rivers, lakes and coastal waters for future generations.

‘This is an opportunity for the people of Wales to have their say on how we defend and improve our waterways to make sure they are a healthy, thriving environment for both mankind and wildlife.’


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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