

Environmental Panorama
January of 2009

19 Jan 2009 - WWF Cameroon celebrated the start of 2009 with the radio-collaring of a huge female elephant on the slopes of Mount Cameroon in the South West Region of the Republic of Cameroon. The purpose of this exercise is to provide a better understanding of the migration patterns of elephants, and help in land use planning as well as regulating human - elephant conflicts. Working within the framework of the Coastal Forests (SAWA) Programme, WWF is working with partners and funds from WWF Sweden towards the establishment of a National Park in parts of the biodiversity rich Mount Cameroon.

One-tusk ninja
This makes the third elephant to be radio-collared by WWF on Mount Cameroon. The first two were tagged in March 2007 and January 2008 respectively. The latest one - the female elephant named Uppsala, estimated at 45 years of age, weighs about 3 1/2 tons, and has just one tusk. From all indications, the mammal was the eldest in the herd of six from which it was tagged.

The Programme Coordinator for WWF Coastal Forests Programme Dr. Atanga Ekobowho led the team up the mountains together with veteran Veterinarian from North Carolina Zoo Society (USA), Dr. Mike Loomis said Uppsala’a collar is built to transmit for 20 months prior to battery failure.

Better understanding of elephants
Elephant tagging or collaring is a technology that provides a better understanding of the migration patterns of elephants, and therefore helps in land use planning and finding ways of reducing human - elephant conflict. The elephants’ locations are plotted as layers on maps created using the ArcView software to provide information on movement and distribution patterns in the area in relationship to other bio-geographic features.

“Because the ranging and migration patterns of forest elephants in Central Africa in general and in Cameroon in particular are poorly understood, an understanding of ranging behaviour and seasonal movement patterns is important for effective conservation and management of elephants around Mt. Cameroon where land is scarce”, said Dr Martin Tchamba, National Director of WWF Cameroon.

Radio and satellite telemetry have been an integral part of many research and management projects of African elephants for several decades. “WWF Cameroon Country Programme Office in collaboration with the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife in Cameroon has carried out similar operation in the northern and South east regions of the country with technical assistance from the North Carolina Zoological Park” according to the National director.

Dr. Michael Loomis, a Chief veterinarian from the North Carolina Zoological Park has been working in Cameroon for some eleven years now, carrying out research aimed at protecting and monitoring the forest and savannah elephants in Cameroon. These species have over the years been seriously threatened.

The need for elephant collaring in the proposed Mount Cameroon National Park, is to ensure that priority sites for elephants are identified and definite park boundaries determined hence, appropriate levels of protection could be afforded. Data so far collected on elephant movement and distribution patterns will help park authorities plan anti-poaching operations. These data will also reinforce the need for stakeholders to collaborate in wildlife management activities in and around the proposed Mount Cameroon National Park area.

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Climate Witness: Maya Radeva, Bulgaria

19 Jan 2009 - My name is Maya Radeva and I am the director of Balgarka Nature Park, in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. - Imagine the wood in July – instead of being green and fresh, it was like a frostbitten wood in November. The leaves were brown, dry and falling from the trees. The grass, which has always been green at this time, was dry and brittle under our feet. The forest was simply crying.

For the last 15 years there has been an episodic increase of temperatures, but the summer of 2007 was simply unique. The leaves were dry and started falling as early as the end of June and beginning of July. In the beech forests there were lots of empty acorns. Apparently the high temperatures did not help the trees to fill the seeds.

Water level in river extremely low

The source of Yantra River, which we had never seen with so low water level, now completely dried out. There was no water coming from the source itself, it flowed out further down and had very weak discharge.

Mediterranean plants at high altitudes in Bulgaria

Last year our colleague - a biodiversity expert – discovered a species of wild onion at a height of 1,300 m in the Uzana area. A study showed that the habitats of the plant are in Greece and Southern Italy. If Mediterranean plants that love a warm climate come to 1,300 m above sea level that is an indicator of climate warming and of changes expected to take place in nature.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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