

Environmental Panorama
February of 2009

The Environment Agency in Brampton and Bedford is donating a variety of office equipment to a charity in Bedford, to highlight its recycling and reuse policy.

Used equipment, such as desks, chairs, bookcases and filing cabinets are being given to Family Groups based in Bedford – a community-based multi-cultural group who support women and children who may experience disadvantages such as language barriers, poverty and isolation.

Geoff Brighty, Environment Agency area manager, said: ‘We have recently reduced our office space in Bedford, following the introduction of a hot-desking policy to save both money and the environment, which has resulted in redundant office equipment.

‘We are delighted to be able to support Family Groups in this way and hope this donation will inspire others to give their old equipment to a really worthy cause, rather than to a landfill.’

Derry Dynes, chief officer from Family Groups, said: ‘The donation of ‘new’ equipment has resulted in us being able to replace old and broken furniture in our office.

‘Our aim is to work towards reducing poverty in deprived areas of the community and the furniture donated by the Environment Agency will mean that money can be spent in more needed areas.’

Environment Agency test demountable flood defences at Sandwich Quay
The Environment Agency will make the most of the forthcoming spring tide in order to test demountable flood defences for Sandwich Town in Kent on Monday 9 February at 9am.These defences offer temporary protection to reduce flood risk.

The Environment Agency will make the most of the forthcoming spring tide in order to test demountable flood defences for Sandwich Town in Kent on Monday 9 February at 9am.

These defences offer temporary protection to reduce flood risk until the permanent defences identified in the Pegwell Bay to Kingsdown Coastal Flood Risk Strategy have been built. The strategy has been produced in partnership with Dover District Council, and went out to public consultation in September 2007.

The strategy has identified several options for managing coastal flooding and erosion between Pegwell Bay and Kingsdown. It also looks at tidal flooding from the River Stour in the Sandwich area. Subject to approval, Sandwich will be protected from tidal flooding using a storage reservoir at Broadsalts, which has added benefits of potentially creating a nature reserve. Coastal defences will also be strengthened between Sandwich and Deal.

On the day of the test, residents will be given another chance to ask questions about the draft strategy and other flood-risk issues from Environment Agency staff, who will have the Floodline trailer at Sandwich Bay from 8am until approximately 4pm.

Mark Douch, Area Flood Risk Manager said: “The high spring tide provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate these demountable flood defences and show how they would work in the event of a flood incident. The coastline is going to come under increasing pressure over the coming years from sea level rise and increased storms due to climate change.”

Anyone who is concerned about flooding can find out more information from our trailer, on the Environment Agency website: or by phoning our 24 hour Floodline on 08459 881188.

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Environment Agency staff clean up Thimblemill Brook

A team of eight Environment Agency staff got stuck in last Thursday (29 January) helping to clean up Thimblemill Brook in Smethwick, a Site of Local Interest for Nature Conservation (SLINC), which was featured in a BBC Springwatch programme last March.

A team of eight Environment Agency staff got stuck in last Thursday (29 January) helping to clean up Thimblemill Brook in Smethwick, a Site of Local Interest for Nature Conservation (SLINC), which was featured in a BBC Springwatch programme last March.

Thimblemill Brook flows in an open section between Norman Road and Broadmoor Avenue, Smethwick. The water quality is poor because, in some places, foul water enters the brook through misconnected drains that were intended to carry only rainwater. One aim of the cleanup was to identify all the places where foul sewage is entering the brook, and report them to Severn Trent Water.

The team also removed as much litter and fly-tipping as possible from the channel and flood plain, together with items such as bricks and concrete. Suitable materials were re-used to improve water flows in the brook and the rubbish was later collected for disposal by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.

The clean up was planned as part of the team’s contribution to World Environment Day 2008/9. Environment Agency employees are granted two days environmental leave each year to do work of their choice that has an immediate positive impact on the environment.

Since it was featured on the BBC, the Thimblemill Brook community has raised £107,000 to carry out environmental improvements, including landscaping, tree removal, de-silting, fly-tipping clearance, and control of Japanese knotweed.

The Environment Agency contributed £10,000 to the initial grant ,with a further £10,000 bid currently being negotiated to fund the removal of silt from the brook course and balancing ponds. The work carried out so far has made big improvements to the banks and grassy areas but until now the brook channel and floodplain have largely remained untouched.

Environment Officer, Jim Woodhall, who organised the clear up, said: “The clear up at Thimblemill Brook is part of a personal commitment by each of us to making the environment a better place for communities such as the one near Thimblemill Brook. They have worked so hard to improve the brook that we wanted to do our bit to help.”


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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