

Environmental Panorama
February of 2009

02 Feb 2009 - Gland, Switzerland – Two “compromise packages” to end the deadlock on so-called scientific whaling are too much of a compromise according to WWF.

The packages, announced today by IWC Chairman William Hogarth, would either phase out Japan’s scientific whaling programme in the Southern Ocean in exchange for Japan being allowed to take a unspecified number of minke whales off its coast in the North Pacific or would allow Japan’s scientific whaling programme to continue in the Southern Ocean if it adheres to annual limits set by the IWC’s Scientific Committee.

“WWF is glad to see the IWC taking steps toward ending the deadlock on commercial whaling, and to ending commercial whaling under the guise of science once and for all, but these compromise packages give too much to the whalers and not enough to whale conservation,” said Dr. Susan Lieberman, director of WWF International’s Species Programme.

“What is needed is a plan to put an immediate halt to all scientific whaling, which simply has no place in the 21st Century,” added Lieberman.

The package makes no mention of other whaling nations Iceland and Norway, which whale under objection to the IWC’s commercial whaling moratorium. Iceland recently announced a quota of 100 fin whales – an endangered species – which is a dramatic increase its original self-assigned quota of nine. They also almost doubled their quota of minke whales.

“No package will heal the IWC if it deals exclusively with one whaling nation and ignores the rest,” added Lieberman. “The world’s whales will not be saved until all governments commit to their conservation together. It is time to bring the IWC into the 21st century—as a whale conservation organization”

The current membership of the IWC is approximately evenly divided between whaling and non-whaling nations, resulting in a political deadlock which makes it impossible to secure the ¾ majority of votes needed to make major changes such as putting an end to Japan’s scientific whaling.

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“Marine turtle bycatch and longline Observer Programme” project: Towards more sustainable tuna fisheries in Vietnam

Observing tuna longline fishing for the bycatch of marine turtles, sharks and other fish species, while testing the application of new hook technology (circle hooks) in order to reduce bycatch will be the focus of the “Marine turtle bycatch and longline observer program” project – Phase II. The project is implemented by WWF with support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Dutch company IbroMar B.V which, as one of the leading buyers of long line caught yellow fin tuna in Vietnam, is co-funding the circle hook program as part of their sustainable tuna fisheries program.

According to Mr. Keith Symington, WWF Bycatch Strategy Leader for the Coral Triangle and Western Pacific, “these activities will help not only reduce marine turtle bycatch mortality – a key conservation objective - but will also help bridge improvements in overall tuna fisheries management, a key fisheries reform strategy ofWWF’s Smart Fishing Network Initiative (SFNI)”.

Started in November 2006, Phase I of the project targeted fishing communities in three provinces: Phu Yen, Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa. It aimed to raise awareness of the role of marine turtles in ocean ecosystems, the impact of fishing activities on these endangered species, and to identify “hot spots” where marine turtles interact with fishing gear within Vietnam’s territorial. Marine turtle rescue and handling techniques were also introduced to fishermen.

“We thought that turtles managed to cheat us: they pretend to be dead when taken on board and then awake and swim very fast once released back to the sea. Now I know that they are just like humans, having lungs and susceptible to drowning too. We also know how important sea turtles are to the marine ecosystem. We need to protect them!” expressed a fisherman from Phu Yen after the training course recently organized in Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa province). A similar course was held in Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh province).

Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy, WWF’s Fisheries Officer said “The project is beneficial for not only fishing communities but also professionals. After receiving training on observer program protocols, bycatch species identification and data recording, three scientists from the Research Institute of Marine Fisheries (RIMF) boarded three longline fishing boats from Binh Dinh to test their training and begin recording data.”

“The result of their trips will serve to enlarge the observer program and commence circle hook trials in early 2009 with new support from NOAA. This will be a key activity of phase II scheduled to last through to January of 2010”, Thuy added.

Commenting on their new working partnership with WWF, IbroMar B.V Director Martin Brugman said “There are still big tasks ahead but, as the message we tried to bring towards fishermen, observers and other participants: 'together we can'”. IbroMar’s sustainable fisheries program “aims to facilitate more sustainable long line fishing in Vietnam whilst improving its’ quality to the highest possible level”, added Mr. Brugman.
For further information please contact Ms Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy
For more information about IbroMar B.V visit:


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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