

Environmental Panorama
February of 2009

Nick Smith10 February, 2009 - Environment and Climate Change Issues Minister Nick Smith today welcomed the announcement that electric cars would be commercially available in New Zealand.

"This is the beginning of an exciting energy revolution as significant as the economic transformation from the steam engine to the internal combustion engine more than a century ago. I congratulate Hyundai and Mitsubishi for their announcements today.

"Electric cars have huge environmental benefits in that they are far more energy efficient, can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contribute no particulate or chemical pollution from exhausts and are far quieter than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles.

"The big advantage of electric cars is that they are so much more efficient than those powered by internal combustion engines and can recapture the energy of braking with the electric motor becoming a generator. The limitation has been their range but this is being extended with new battery technology.

"With 40 percent of New Zealand’s carbon dioxide emissions coming from vehicles, these electric cars can make a huge difference. New Zealand is particularly well placed for electric cars to reduce emissions with such a high proportion of our electricity produced from renewables.

"The Government is aware of the higher cost of frontier technology like electric cars. To assist and encourage environmental conscious New Zealanders to make the shift, we will be making electric cars exempt from road user charges. Officials are working with the Government on the implementation of this policy.

";New Zealanders have a reputation as early adopters of new technology and I hope there is strong uptake of this new clean, green technology.";

Submissions on draft ETS forestry allocation plan extended

Nick Smith, David Carter - 12 February, 2009 - The Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith and the Minister of Forestry David Carter today announced an extension to the closing date for submissions on the draft forestry allocation plan under the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme.

“The forestry aspects of the NZ ETS became effective on 1 January 2008 and remain in force,” Dr Smith says.

“However, in light of the Government's confidence and supply agreement with ACT, climate change policy is being reviewed by a Special Select Committee. That Select Committee is expected to report back to Parliament in April.

”While the Select Committee review is underway the Government is seeking to avoid any confusion and move out the dates for submissions on the draft forestry allocation plan until 30 April 2009.”

David Carter said the Government will be putting public notices in newspapers to inform people of this extension.

“Subject to the Government's consideration of the findings of the Select Committee review, we also intend pushing out the closing date for when landowners with less than 50 hectares can apply for exemption from the NZ ETS deforestation provisions.”

These actions are not pre-empting the final findings of the Select Committee review and are part of the obligation under the existing climate change legislation.

If you are unsure of your obligations and entitlements under the Emissions Trading Scheme visit: or call 0800 CLIMATE (0800 254 628).
Nick Smith, David Carter Climate Change Issues, Forestry
Nick Smith12 February, 2009

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Government welcomes progress to protect Lake Taupo

Minister for the Environment Nick Smith today welcomed a deal by the Lake Taupo Protection Trust to convert more than 930 hectares of farmland into forestry.

“Water quality is one of the most challenging issues facing New Zealand. It is particularly difficult in the Lake Taupo catchment where we are dealing with long-term effects.

“The reason I am so enthusiastic about the Trust’s work and this initiative with the owner of the land, Boat Harbour Holdings, is that it involves parties engaging and agreeing on solutions that work both economically and environmentally.

“I congratulate the Trust for this and for developing a programme of work that will reduce the amount of nitrogen flowing into the lake by 20 percent over 15 years.

“We will need more of this kind of innovative approach if we are to win the water quality battle in Lake Taupo and other parts of New Zealand.”


Source: New Zealand - Ministry for the Environment
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