

Environmental Panorama
February of 2009

17 February 2009 - Cadmium, mercury and selenium levels in the tissues from walrus were similar to those found in seal species (ringed seal, harp seal and hooded seal) in the previous study.

If organochlorine levels in walrus and hooded seal are compared to levels found earlier in ringed and harp seal, no systematic picture is apparent. In some cases levels in walrus and hooded seal generally are higher than in the other seal species (PCBs, DDTs, chlordanes, dieldrin), whereas in other cases they are lower (toxaphene, coplanar PCBs).

In the previous study unexpected high levels of toxaphene were found in skin compared to blubber of minke whale sampled in 1998 and analyzed in 2000. Therefore more samples of minke whale blubber and skin (also collected in 1998) were analyzed in 2005. In this set of samples the highest toxaphene concentrations were found in blubber. In most cases organochlorine levels in minke whale skin and blubber analyzed in 2005 were similar to levels found in samples analyzed in 2000, and although there are differences, these most likely may be explained by individual variation (not the same individuals analyzed in both rounds).

Levels of brominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in walrus and hooded seal blubber were at the same level as found earlier in ringed seal blubber from West Greenland, but lower than in harp seal blubber. The highest PBDE concentrations were found in minke whale blubber.

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Attempt to reduce the number of cormorants in Ringkøbing and Nissum Fjords

26 February 2009 - A national management plan for cormorants was adopted in Denmark in 2002. The overriding goal was to ensure the protection and survival of cormorants at the same time as ensuring that their number and extent did not give rise to unacceptable impact for fish populations and fisheries in Danish waters. The management plan provided the opportunity to test whether egg oiling in colonies and shooting of cormorants in the hunting season could be used as tools to reduce the number of cormorants within a limited area. From 2002 to 2008, Ringkøbing Fjord and Nissum Fjord came to be used as experimental areas for attempts to reduce cormorant numbers. This report presents and evaluates the results from these areas.

The most important conclusions from the project are:

• The trend in the number of breeding cormorants in both fjords was affected by the management measures undertaken in the colonies, especially egg oiling.

• Oiling is an effective method to reduce cormorants’ production of young and thereby a) their requirement for food and b) breeding numbers in the longer term. The development in breeding numbers over the years is also affected, however, by exchange of individuals between colonies, which can vary according to e.g. feeding conditions in the local area and living conditions in other breeding areas.

• The number of cormorants present in Ringkøbing and Nissum Fjords in late summer and autumn did not decline measurably over the years despite egg oiling and shooting. Among the reasons for this was that migrating cormorants came from a large number of colonies located over an extensive area and that shooting did not affect the development of these individual colonies, nor therefore the number of cormorants that came annually on migration.

• In Nissum Fjord a considerable reduction in the number of cormorants that kept to the fjord in autumn was achieved by scaring the cormorants away by means of shooting. For this effect to be realised, the shooting had to be intensive and take place close to the sites where the cormorants roosted during the day and night, which was only possible in Nissum Fjord.

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Scale and effects of intervention measures in Danish cormorant colonies in Denmark 1994–2008

18 February 2009 - In Denmark the breeding population of cormorants grew from a few hundred in the beginning of the 1970s to around 40,000 pairs in mid-11000s. As a result the number of conflicts between cormorants and fisheries in Denmark increased. In order to avoid further growth in the cormorant population and to relieve some of the conflict, the Danish Forest and Nature Agency introduced a new management practice in 1994. This aimed to limit the development of new cormorant colonies in Denmark. In 2002 a new cormorant management plan came into being, and under this plan the attempts to limit creation of new colonies was taken a step further, and as a new measure egg oiling, in various of the older colonies where cormorants nested on the ground, was initiated. This egg oiling, which hinders eggs hatching while the parents continue to incubate, was designed to limit the production of young cormorants in certain areas and, in the longer term, lead to a reduction in breeding numbers.

In 1994–2000 and 2001–2008 the Danish Forest and Nature Agency carried out interventions at an average of nine and 16 colonies a year, respectively. The highest number was 19 colonies, and this corresponded to a third of all cormorant colonies. In the majority of cases action was directed at newly established colonies or in colonies from which the cormorants had not disappeared despite previous years’ interventions. In 2002–2008 the measures were to a greater degree carried out in larger colonies that had existed for a greater number of years.

The total number of nests to which the intervention measures were applied with the result that the nests or their contents were lost rose from a total of 7,500 nests in 1994–2001 to a total of 39,700 nests in 2002–2008. The highest number of nests subject to regulation by the Danish Forest and Nature Agency was in a single year approx. 7,200 nests in 2008, equivalent to a fifth of all cormorant nests in Denmark.

The conclusions of the report can be summarised in the following points:

• By carrying out measures to scare the birds in the first year they attempted to establish a new colony, the probability of the cormorants returning in subsequent years could be reduced. Shooting (including the killing of individual birds in or near the colony) was the most effective method of avoiding the cormorants returning the following year.

• In connection with the cormorants’ attempts to create new colonies on the ground, it was most often egg oiling that was selected as the method of intervention. This method led rarely to the cormorants’ leaving the site the subsequent year, but in the majority of cases prevented newly established colonies on the ground from becoming large. In many cases, shooting in or near colonies established on the ground would have resulted in other colony breeding bird species having been disturbed.

• The measures applied in new colonies reduced the general ‘risk’ of colonies with growth potential becoming medium-sized or large.

• Comprehensive oiling over several years in some of the colonies on the ground, with several hundred nests, led to a marked fall in production of young cormorants. However, it was revealed to be difficult to predict the effect of the oiling on developments in the number of nests, especially due to a high degree of unpredictability in exchange of individuals among colonies .

• It is assessed that the intervention measures which prevented growth in several new colonies and led to low production of young in individual large colonies affected the size of the total breeding population as well as that of individual colonies. The intervention measures applied are assessed to have contributed to the decline in the total Danish breeding population that occurred in 2007 and 2008.

Contact: Senior Researcher, Thomas Bregnballe, tel. 8920 1517,

Forvaltende indgreb i danske skarvkolonier i Danmark 1994-2008. – Omfang og effekter af oliering af æg, bortskræmning og beskydning. Bregnballe, T. & Eskildsen, J. 2009. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, Aarhus Universitet. 46 s. – Arbejdsrapport fra DMU nr. 249. Summary (in Danish) | The full report (in Danish) in pdf format (4.757 kB)


Source: Denmark's Ministry of the Environment
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