

Environmental Panorama
February of 2009

25 Feb 2009 - Vladivostok, Russia - Protected forest in Russia including a “maternity hospital” for the Amur tiger and unique Korean pine stands have been sold for logging in controversial circumstances and in the face of protests by WWF-Russia and the local population.

Last week the Forestry Agency of Primorskii Province in south-eastern Russia auctioned off more than 400 forest plots, covering four wildlife refuges and five Korean pine nut harvesting zones.

The auction, which for unknown reasons was held two days before the scheduled date, ignored new regulations on three regional and one federal wildlife refuge.

Also ignored were long standing appeals by local people asking to lease two of the pine nut harvesting zones to collect nuts, medical and edible plants and conduct responsible hunting, appeals which had the support of WWF and Ministry of Natur? Resources and Ecology of Russia.

“Unfortunately we cannot prevent tending cutting in protective forests by simply pointing to the the breaches of the law,” said Denis Smirnov, forest program coordinator, WWF Russia Amur branch. “Tending of forest in Primorye has been long a loophole for conducting large-scale illegal cutting.”

Pavel Sulyandziga, first vice-president of the Association of Indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of Russia, said: “In the village of Krasnyi Yar local aboriginal tribes cannot get permission to cut trees for construction of houses or for firewood.

“This is at a time when the Korean pine nut harvesting zone is being prescribed for logging. This zone belongs to us but over 15 years we have not been able to get approval to establish the territory for traditional nature use. The auction demonstrates a cynical attitude of authorities to the issues of aboriginal people.”

The areas sold include areas in the Chyornye Skaly refuge that are habitat for goral – small hoofed animals with a goat-like appearance that are enlisted in the Russian Red data book. The Amur “maternity hospital” is in the Tayozhnyi refuge, the Korean pine stands in five Korean pine nut harvesting zones including one in the Bikin River.

The federal wildlife refuge Leopardovyi – a key habitat for the Amur leopard - just established in October 2008, was withdrawn from sale following an official demand from Yurii Trutnev, Russia’s Minister of Nature Resources and Ecology, to Sergei Darkin, Governor of Primorskii Province.

As in 2008, a contract for forest protection, maintenance, restoration and tending cutting in 12 Primorye forestries will be signed in 2009, with the only claimant being the governmental organization Primorskii Forestry Enterprise. WWF-Russia alleges that the enterprise and its contractors have conducted illegal logging disguised as tending cutting.

“Having taken the decision to sell plots of protected forest to the Primorskii Forestry Enterprise, the Forestry Agency of Primorskii Province has turned a blind eye to the enterprise’s participation in illegal logging,” said Smirnov. “Probably the Forestry Agency has weighty reasons to once again give a green light to dishonest forest users.”

WWF-Russia is asking law enforcement bodies to recognize as invalid the decision of the Forestry Agency to place orders for forest protection, maintenance, restoration and tending cutting with the Primorskii Forestry Enterprise in 2009.

“We predict this sale will precipitate a new round of illegal logging in Primorye and devastate areas important to wildlife and local indigenous people,” said Smirnov.

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Hungary burns carbon credibility propping up budget

27 Feb 2009 - Hungary - a major seller of carbon credits– will weaken its credibility in the growing international carbon markets by using revenues to prop up its budget rather than green its energy production, WWF-Hungary has warned.

Mr Imre Szabo, the Minister of Environment, announced that “the Ministry will cut its annual budget this year by freezing 67 million Euros from its 2009 Kyoto carbon trading revenues”.

According to WWF-Hungary, this will not improve the budget balances, create jobs or decrease the country’s energy dependence on gas and oil but it will bring into question the validity of Hungarian carbon credits.

Hungary had recently settled deals with Spain of 6.6 million AAUs (Assigned Amount Units is the trading unit of the Kyoto carbon trading system) and Belgium of 2 million AAUs – on the basis of projects to be undertaken through the country’s planned Green Investment Scheme (GIS).

“The Belgians have already criticized Hungary for being late with greening projects and freezing carbon trade revenues will only frustrate them even more”, said György Dallos, climate change programme officer of WWF Hungary.

The Hungarian government already has a track-record in undermining carbon trading revenues, WWF said. Although the Ministry of Environment had prepared the draft of the National Allocation Plan for the years 2008 to 2012 a year ago, the Budapest government has been unable to have it approved by the European Commission so far.

The delay is estimated to have cost Hungary €5 million due to an inability to fully participate in auction revenues under the European Quota Trading System (ETS) at a time when higher prices prevailed.

Halting or slowing the pace of investment in green technologies is also running counter to world trends of increasing such spending.

“President Barack Obama, Prime Minister Gordon Brown as well the Canadian, the German, the Australian and many other governments agree with Sir Nicholas Stern that supporting green investments in energy efficiency and renewables is an effective tool to save and even create millions of jobs and decrease energy bills,” Dallos said.

The German “Alliance for Work an Environment” programme saved and created 145.000 jobs and saw 342.000 flats had been retrofitted for energy effiency in the difficult recession period of the German construction industry between 2001 and 2006, Dallos noted.

“If 1.8 million badly insulated Hungarian family houses were insulated within a 5-year period, it would create tens of thousands of jobs all over the country,” Dallos said.

“In addition to that, 1.5 million cubic metres of imported Russian gas, as well as 3 million tons of greenhouse gases, would be saved annually, thereby reducing energy costs. This would bring relief to millions of Hungarians.”

Other WWF Hungary proposals for new and sustainable energy politics include saving hundreds of millions of Euros by eliminating the current gas price support system and increasing “ridiculously low” mining fees on lignite could cut budget deficits and decrease energy dependency.

Additionally the Government could also stop supporting the Vertes Coal Plant through the “coal penny” system collected on every Kilowatt-Hour consumed in the country.

Another efficient way to save government money is stopping the state owned Hungarian Energy Company (MVM) to build a new lignite plant which would never reach a break even given current conditions.

“MVM, the largest state owned company, is sitting on piles of cash thanks to the exceptionally high profits in the last two years,” Dallos said. “So far the government has hardly touched these profits in order to establish a new sustainable energy policy for a brighter future of Hungary.”

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Tiger part trader becomes TRAFFIC contributor

20 Feb 2009 - Richmond, Canada - A Canadian company specializing in Chinese traditional medicines is to pay the bulk of a CAN45,000 (USD36,000) penalty for trading illegally in tiger parts to TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network that helped secure its conviction.

Wing Quon Enterprises Ltd., pleaded guilty to possessing and attempting to sell medicines containing parts from Tigers and other protected species in a Richmond Provincial Court earlier this week.

TRAFFIC, whose expertise helped secure the conviction, are to receive the bulk of this sum, some CAN40,000 (USD 32,000).

The company was also ordered to forfeit seized medicines and products made from other endangered species, including costus root, agarwood, bear, pangolin, musk deer and rhinoceros. All are listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which imposes strict controls on listed plants, wildlife and their derivatives.

TRAFFIC, which operates globally, was established as a partnership between WWF, the world's leading conservation organization, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a global consortium of government, scientific and civil society organizations.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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