

Environmental Panorama
March of 2009

3 March 2009 - Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, today announced $876,000 in funding to improve management of groundwater quality in highly-developed aquifers in New South Wales.

Senator Wong made the announcement during a visit to Dubbo on the second day of a three-day tour of the northern Murray-Darling Basin.

“As a result of drought and climate change, surface water in some parts of the Murray-Darling Basin is declining and groundwater is being pumped in increasing quantities as an alternative water source.

“Because pumping can lead to water moving between different levels of an aquifer, it can cause deteriorating groundwater quality either through changing salinity or chemical composition.

“This project will help water managers better understand and manage the impacts of pumping on he quality of groundwater resources.”

The project will investigate up to seven groundwater management areas in New South Wales where there is risk of declining groundwater quality.

Research results will allow water managers to predict the impact of pumping on quality of water, enabling more informed decisions.

The project results will be used to provide more accurate estimates of the level of risk to groundwater quality in all Groundwater Management Units in New South Wales.

This scientifically-based evidence will influence future management decisions on sustainable yields and will be used in the development of New South Wales Water Sharing Plans.

Under the National Water Initiative, all governments of Australia have acknowledged the importance of groundwater and committed to specific actions including environmentally sustainable levels of extraction.

The project is co-funded by the New South Wales Department of Water and Energy, which is contributing in-kind support of up to $350,000.

Funding for the project is from the National Water Commission’s $82 million National Groundwater Action Plan, which undertakes projects to address groundwater knowledge gaps and progress the groundwater reforms agreed to under the National Water Initiative.

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Toorale purchase delivers 11.4 billion extra litres of water for the Darling River

4 March 2009 - The purchase of Toorale station by the New South Wales and Federal governments last September has resulted in an extra 11.4 billion litres of water flowing down the Darling River, Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, said today.

Senator Wong made the comments during an inspection of Toorale Station on the final day of a three-day tour of the northern Murray-Darling Basin.

The Rudd Government assisted the New South Wales Government in purchasing Toorale Station last September, with the State taking responsibility for preserving the land, and a process agreed for transferring the water entitlement to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.

In securing Toorale's water entitlements and floodplain harvesting rights, the deal will return an average of 20 gigalitres of water to the Darling River each year, peaking at up to 80 gigalitres in flood years.

"Based on advice from New South Wales Government hydrologists, flows over the last fortnight in the Darling River have been boosted by approximately 11.4 billion litres of water as a direct result of irrigation extractions having ceased at Toorale," Senator Wong said.

The Rudd Government is working closely with New South Wales to deliver the maximum environmental benefit from the Warrego and Darling River water entitlements at Toorale.

Senator Wong said the Government had sought an Infrastructure Audit and Decommissioning Plan to assess options for decommissioning existing infrastructure.

"The Infrastructure Audit and Decommissioning Plan will help us reconfigure the existing irrigation infrastructure so even more flood waters can flow through to the Darling River.

"Significant environmental assets that will benefit from the return of this water include some wetlands of national importance at Menindee Lakes, as well as the Darling River itself."

The CSIRO Sustainable Yields study for the Barwon-Darling system shows the middle zone of the Darling River between Bourke and Menindee Lakes is in poor condition.

The Infrastructure Audit and Decommissioning Plan will be completed by mid-2009 and will be implemented as soon as possible after that.

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$15.7 million boost for Indigenous rangers

4 March 2009 - The Australian Government will provide $15.7 million over two years to support 22 Indigenous ranger groups, working on land and sea management activities in the Northern Territory.

The investment supports the development of ranger groups in a number of regions across the Top End including the Darwin/Daly, West Arnhem, East Arnhem, Katherine, Ngukurr, Victoria River and Borroloola/Barkly.

More than $9 million is committed through the Working on Country Northern Territory program delivered by the Department of the Environment, Water and Heritage tocreate over 61 new ranger jobs. The remaining funding of $6.5 million is provided by the Aboriginals Benefit Account.

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, said the joint funding initiatives demonstrate the Australian Government's commitment to improving employment opportunities among Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory.

"In this time of economic downturn, the Australian Government is taking action to help ensure employment opportunities are made available to those who need them most," Ms Macklin said.

"This announcement will help make progress on the Government's aim of halving the employment gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a decade."

The funding also supports accommodation for seven ranger coordinators and storage for twenty-one chemical facilities, six vehicles and twenty quad bikes and spray units.

Minister for the Environment Peter Garrett said providing funding for employment, training and operational support for the project is crucial to ensuring the continued successful management of ecosystems including wetlands in the Northern Territory.

"The work undertaken by this project, including protecting species and heritage values and controlling pests, weeds and fire, is fundamental to sustainability of our country," Mr Garrett said.

"These projects contribute to the Government's goal to engage with Indigenous people to manage our land and seas and attain greater independence through employment."

The Member for Lingiari, Warren Snowdon, said land and sea rangers play an incredible valuable role in preserving country and culture.

"The rangers are great community role models. We are committed to assisting Indigenous rangers protect the Territory's pristine environment."


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
All rights reserved



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