

Environmental Panorama
March of 2009

The Environment Agency has joined forces with Natural England to replace over 1,200 hectares – (equivalent of 1,700 football pitches) of habitat that will be lost forever if action is not taken now.

The Greater Thames CHaMP (Coastal Habitat Management Plan) kick-starts the mission to safeguard important habitats within the Thames estuary against the devastating effects of climate change.

The climate is changing and sea levels are rising, resulting in ecologically-rich saltmarshes and mudflats areas being washed away and lost forever. Existing man-made flood defences make this a problem as these important habitat areas are trapped against the sea walls causing the phenomenon of ‘coastal squeeze’. If the defences weren’t there, new areas of intertidal habitat would be naturally created as sea levels rise.

The key findings of the CHaMP show that the Thames estuary stands to lose 1,200ha of internationally designated intertidal habitat over the next 100 years. Under legislation designed to protect these essential habitats we need to compensate for what will be lost by creating new areas of habitat.

The CHaMP will inform flood risk management and planning decisions within the Greater Thames estuary once all interested organisations agree.

Dave Wardle from the Environment Agency said: “Now is the time to act if we want to prevent the decline of the Thames estuarine environment. The CHaMP plays a vital role in understanding what important habitats we have, and what we will lose over time. We will use the findings to inform how we might adapt our flood defences in the future, as we know we will have to, and ensure that we do not lose these valuable habitats which make our unique estuary thrive with life .”

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Environment Agency appeals for witnesses

Members of the public could potentially hold vital clues to two suspected flytipping incidents in Worksop, Nottinghamshire around 27 February and 2 March 2008.

Members of the public could potentially hold vital clues to two suspected flytipping incidents in Worksop, Nottinghamshire around 27 February and 2 March 2008.

The first incident: On/ around 27 February a white articulated lorry trailer full of tyres was left in a layby opposite Clumber Park off the A614, Worksop.

The second incident: On/ around the 2 March asbestos was flytipped on the lane that leads to Manor Lodge and Lodge Farm off the A619 Mansfield Road, Worksop.

James Beckett from the Environment Agency said: ‘We would especially like to hear from anyone who might have information about these incidents. We are continuing our investigation and looking at all possible avenues. Worksop has experienced a lot of flytipping in the past 12 months. This costs to the tax payer to clean up flytipping is simply unacceptable.”

Anyone with knowledge of this suspected flytipping can call the Environment Agency’s free 24-hour incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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