

Environmental Panorama
March of 2009

11 March 2009 - Scientists from the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) at Aarhus University have made a major contribution to writing and editing of “Air Pollution. From a local to a global perspective”.

The book is a completely revised and updated version of a Danish textbook “Luftforurening” from 1994 including new information on depletion of the ozone layer and the increased greenhouse effect.

The book is edited by D.Sc. Jes Fenger, who is formally retired but still active at NERI and Jens Christian Tjell from the Technical University. NERI scientists have authored or co-authored a total of 13 of the 22 chapters.

The main idea of the book is to show how air pollution is a phenomenon that has been known since the start of civilisation, but has increased both in geographical and temporal measure from a strictly local nuisance to a global threat. It is therefore a complex problem that covers many subjects. In this book they are treated by a series of experts, whose contributions are edited to form a comprehensive presentation.

The individual chapters have their own literature list and can be read separately. The book is first of all intended as a general presentation for university students at graduate level, but civil servants and employees in consulting companies can also use it. The interested layman can benefit from reading the more general chapters.
Contact: D.Sc. Jes Fenger

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Highly improbable that the Nordic countries will halt loss of biodiversity by 2010

11 March 2009 - Biodiversity is under pressure in the Nordic countries. Natural habitats continue to decline in area at the same time as the quality of the nature that remains becomes poorer. In Denmark it is namely habitats in the open countryside, our heathlands and dry grasslands, that are diminishing in area and quality, at the same time as urban development is spreading and the landscape is being dissected by new structures. This is shown in a new report from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The National Environmental Agency (NERI), Aarhus University has headed the work, authoring the report.

The Nordic countries have – along the same lines as the EU – adopted a common target to halt the loss of biodiversity by 2010. A similar goal met global support at the UN’s World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. The 2010 target will be evaluated in connection with the UN’s biodiversity conference (COP10) in Japan in October 2010.

A project under the Nordic Council of Ministers has evaluated whether the 2010 goal will be met by developing a system of indicators that can describe changes in biodiversity.

Biodiversity loses ground
Project leader Bo Normander, NERI, sets out the results of the study as follows:

'Our report indicates that the negative trend in the Nordic countries has a long history and has accelerated since 11000. This trend means that is it is highly unlikely that the Nordic countries will attain the international target of halting loss of biodiversity by 2010.'

The results comprise the most comprehensive documentation to date of trends in land use in Nordic countries. The authors have described the most important developments in land use based on new and historic sources. The results show that area of important natural habitats such as mires, meadows and heathlands has declined considerably since 11000. Each one of these trends contributes to an overall decline in biodiversity. A minor increase in forested area however can be counted on the positive side.

Looking at the quality aspect of biodiversity, the results show that two-thirds of the indicators calculated show a decline biodiversity, while the remaining third show improvements (or status quo).

Compared with other Nordic countries, Denmark already has the smallest area of nature area, i.e. approx. 20 per cent of the land area. Here it is namely open habitats such as mires, meadows and heathlands that are threatened, both in extent and quality. Other problems in Denmark are that the built environment is continually spreading and that natural areas are being dissected by new roads, etc. On the other hand, the area of forest has increased from 10 to 12 per cent since 11000.

The report concludes that considerable efforts will be required to halt the loss of biodiversity.

About the study
In the project the authors have used a simple concept to illustrate the use of biodiversity indicators; a concept that can describe both the extent and quality of biodiversity. Extent is measured as the development in the size of the area of certain habitat types or ecosystems (e.g. forest, meadowland or watercourses). Quality is measured as the population size of selected species and - if relevant – also as quality parameters, e.g. presence of old trees in a forest or the scale of grazing activity on meadowland.

The authors point out that more indicators would be able to be calculated if existing data sources were analysed further. They recommend that future monitoring of nature and biodiversity in the Nordic countries should be coordinated between the countries to a greater degree.


Source: Denmark's Ministry of the Environment
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