

Environmental Panorama
March of 2009

Purity Soft Drinks Limited, of Wednesbury, was fined 9,000 GBP and ordered to pay 2,376 GBP in costs after failing to join a recycling scheme between 2004 and 2006.

Purity Soft Drinks Limited, of Wednesbury, was fined 9,000 GBP and ordered to pay 2,376 GBP in costs after failing to join a recycling scheme between 2004 and 2006.

Purity Soft Drinks appeared at West Bromwich Magistrates' Court yesterday (9 March 2009) and entered guilty pleas to six offences of failing to comply with the Producer Responsibility Obligations Regulations.

For the Environment Agency, Amy Jacobs told the court that Purity Soft Drinks were obliged to register for the Regulations because they handled over 50 tonnes of packaging and had a turnover of over £2 million.

An investigation by the Environment Agency showed that they had not registered for the years 2004 to 2006 inclusive. This was confirmed in an interview on 30 May 2008 by the operation and managing director of the company.

Speaking after the case, the Environment Agency officer involved in the investigation said: “This case highlights the need for all companies to keep abreast of environmental regulation. The company was unaware of the Regulations and their implications. Any company with a turnover of over £2 million and handling over 50 tonnes of packaging per annum may be obligated and should seek advice to ensure compliance with the Regulations.

She continued: “We do provide guidance on the requirements of the Regulations and how to stay on the right side of the law on our website. We have a very active team seeking out companies who should be registered under the Regulations and may take action against companies who are non-compliant.“

In mitigation, the defence representative stated that the offences had occurred due to a genuine lack of awareness and understanding of the Regulations, rather than a deliberate flouting of the law. It was an isolated, albeit continuing, lapse. The company had admitted the offence promptly, entered timely guilty pleas and co-operated fully with the Environment Agency since being made aware of its responsibilities.

In sentencing, the Magistrates remarked that breaches had to be taken seriously; however, there was no pollution caused and it was easy for regulations such as these to slip through the net. They were satisfied that the company had acted as soon as the matter was brought to its attention and taken steps to prevent it happening again.

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Environment Agency investigates oil spill in Surrey lake

The Environment Agency is investigating an oil spillage at Beddington Park Lake in the River Wandle after concerned local people alerted authorities.

Environment Officers are currently on site with specialist contractors already called in to clean up the oil which is currently being contained in the lake.

At this early stage it is thought that the red diesel has been lost from a surface water drain from the Croydon area. Environment officers have been at the site containing the majority of the oil before it can travel further downstream.

The swans which live at the picturesque lake have been rescued from the area by the local wildlife trust.

Peter Ehmann, Environment Officer said: “We were alerted to the spillage early this afternoon and we sent officers straight to the scene. Fortunately we arrived in time to prevent the majority of diesel flowing downstream of Beddington Park, which could have been disastrous. It is vital that members of the public alert us to spills such as this so that we can do everything in our power to reduce the impact on the local environment.

“We are now working to ensure that the lake is cleaned up properly and investigating the cause of the spill.”

This is not the first time that the area has been victim to pollution. In 2007 hundreds of fish died as a result of pollution on the River Wandle at Beddington Corner.

Pollution incidents can be very difficult to trace and early reports from the public can be very helpful. If anyone has any information on a large loss of red diesel which has been known to flow down the surface water drains, could they please contact the Environment Agency on our Emergency Number: 0800 807060.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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