

Environmental Panorama
March of 2009

12 March 2009 - Konin, Poland — We are delighted that the construction of an open-pit coal mine in Poland, where we set up a Climate Rescue Station in December 2008, has been suspended. This is a significant win in our battle against the mine, which would have lead to around 50 million tonnes of CO2 being released into the atmosphere, the displacement of hundreds of local people, water pollution and land destruction in an ecosystem protected under the Natura 2000 network.

A Polish court found possible illegalities in the environmental assessment process that gave the green light to the open-pit mine in Tomislawice near Konin, and construction has now been suspended pending an investigation. This encouraging result follows our legal challenge of the assessment process in December 2008.

Coal is the worst polluting of all fossil fuels, and it is the single greatest threat facing our climate. Lignite (brown coal) releases more CO2 than any other type of coal so it's a great relief to see construction of this massive new mine suspended! And while this is only a delay, our campaign team in Poland feels that there is now a good chance that the mine will be totally cancelled. They are doing everything (peacefully) possible to make sure this is the case.

To the rescue

By supporting the local community we have been mounting pressure on the government to cancel plans for coal expansion. Our Climate Rescue Station, on the edge of the existing mine near Konin, was the focal point of our campaign against coal in the run-up to and during UN climate negotiations taking place in Poznan, Poland, last December. We helped to catalyse the local plight of hundreds of residents who risk having their livelihoods ruined by the mine. We supported a protest of 400 locals and hosted international journalists while our activists occupied a nearby coal-fired power plant for 50 hours.

Scientists raise the alarm

This victory comes as leading scientists are sharing their latest climate research in Copenhagen, Denmark. They have just warned that climate change is accelerating at a greater rate than they expected and that it will worsen dramatically if we do not take urgent action now. Copenhagen will also host the most important UN climate negotiations ever this December. As governments prepare for this meeting we are reminding them that quitting coal is essential to any meaningful deal to save the climate.

Poland is renowned for being obstructive in climate negotiations and for its attempts to undermine EU climate policy. The country uses coal to produce 93 per cent of its electricity, more than double the world average.

Poland needs an energy [r]evolution
It is wonderful to see that the voice of the local community has been heard in Poland. And we are now warning the Polish Prime Minister that if he adopts an energy policy that gives a green light to coal expansion this will be widely opposed by many Polish citizens.

The government has just presented an energy proposal full of coal and nuclear power without enough support for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Our office in Poland is continuing to promote its Energy [R]evolution scenario, a detailed study of future energy pathways, which shows how Poland can move away from coal, and produce 80 per cent of its electricity from renewable energy resources by 2050.

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Hundreds of Greenpeace activists block easy way out for EU money men on climate change

10 March 2009 - Brussels, Belgium — Three hundred and forty Greenpeace activists were arrested as they took their demand to "Bail out the Planet" to European Union finance ministers in Brussels.

Activists blocked the exits of the building where the ministers were meeting, and demanded an answer on the climate funding question. Swarms of uniformed officers, riot police and plain-clothed cops descended on the activists as a line of black armoured vehicles, police vans and busses moved in to block the public view of the activist-guarded doors. Electric saws were used to cut through the locks and police dragged activists face down into the line of police vehicles. It took the police more than two hours to remove all of the peaceful activists.

As the men and women of EU finance met to discuss the financial crisis and the climate crisis, we asked a question: where is the money to avert runaway climate change? Because it looks to us like there's far more interest in bailing out banks then in bailing out a planet headed toward a bankrupt future.

The decisions made today by EU finance ministers are important because they will directly influence Europe’s position at the historic UN climate summit in Copenhagen this December. Richer developed countries need to contribute at least €110 billion a year by 2020 to make sure developing countries are able to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and cope with the already unavoidable impacts of climate change.

Each country’s contribution towards a climate bailout plan is based on its ability to pay and its level of responsibility in causing climate change. Based on this, the European governments' share is €35 billion a year by 2020, the equivalent of just €1.30 a week per European citizen: the price of a bus ticket. To help raise these funds, we are supporting a new scheme that puts a price tag on greenhouse gas emissions and asks rich countries to pay for their carbon footprint according to their means and their responsibility for causing the climate problem.


Source: Greenpeace International
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