

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

Scientists are turning detective in an attempt to improve water quality in the River Neet at Bude.

Over the coming weeks the Agency will be carrying out a detailed survey of pipes discharging into the river around Bencoolen Bridge from the Killerton Road area of the town.

The investigation follows a series of samples taken by the Agency’s Monitoring and Data team that contained consistently high levels of bacteria. The pollution is believed to be affecting bathing water quality at nearby Summerleaze Beach.

Officers will be working closely with South West Water and North Cornwall District Council.
By concentrating on pipes containing the highest level of contamination, officers hope to find out where the pollution is coming from.

Some of the pipes draining from Killerton Road date from Victorian times and are in poor condition. In addition to leaks, it is possible the pollution could be coming from misconnections to local surface water drains.

The Agency will be using some hi-tech methods to pinpoint the pollution including a spore- producing bacterium called Bacillus Globigii that mimics the bacteria found in sewage and enables scientists to trace the movement and distribution of potentially harmful bacteria.
The team will also be using colourful tracer dyes.

‘We carried out a preliminary survey last month to determine which pipes discharge from Killerton Road into the River Neet. The next phase of the project is to take a closer look at the pipes around Bencoolen Bridge to try to find out the source of the bacterial contamination,’ said James Wimpress for the Environment Agency.

‘We’ve already discovered that some of the pipes run close to a main sewer that might be leaking into the surface water system. There’s a history of bathing water quality problems at Bude so it is important we press ahead with this investigation,’ said James Wimpress.

Once they have completed their survey of the Killerton Road area, the investigation team could target other areas of the town in a bid to clean-up the River Neet and improve bathing water quality at nearby Summerleaze Beach.

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Environment Agency bring Flood Warnings service to Stockbridge
Environment Agency staff are heading to Stockbridge, near Keighley, on Tuesday, 24 March, to advise residents and businesses on flood preparedness.

They will also be offering help with signing up to the free flood warnings service - Floodline Warnings Direct (FWD).

The team will be making door-to-door visits in the morning, and will be on hand to meet residents and give advice at the Get United event, from 1pm to 4pm at Victoria Hall in Keighley.

The Environment Agency is committed to improving awareness and encouraging people to find out how they can prepare for a flood.

Flood officer Graham Lindsey and the local flood incident team will be going door-to-door to meet residents, and will be joined on Tuesday by Keighley councillor Dorothy Clamp. This follows door-knocking that took place in the area with councillor Zafar Ali. The Environment Agency works closely with local authorities and communities across West Yorkshire to help them to protect themselves against flooding.

Graham Lindsey called on Stockbridge residents to sign up to Floodline Warnings Direct. He said: “The service gives those who have signed up a warning in advance of flooding so they can take action to protect themselves and their property. It is free to register and signing up couldn’t be easier.

“There is a history of flooding in the area - in autumn 2000 around 300 properties flooded. Since the 2000 floods, we have worked hard to reduce flood risk in the area, however we can only reduce the risk, we can’t eliminate it.

“Climate change is bringing more and more extreme weather and is increasing the likelihood of flooding. It is really important that everyone learns how to protect themselves and their property.”

Floodline Warnings Direct sends an automatic message to the landlines and mobile telephones of those who have signed up, telling them when flooding is imminent and what action to take to protect their home or business.

The Environment Agency is working to reduce flood risk in the Keighley area.

Staff have completed channel clearance works, including removing obstructions, and trimming bushes and trees that are likely to be a potential flood risk. In the summer, more flood defences were installed on the left bank, immediately downstream of Aireworth Road in Keighley, and defences were repaired. De-silting has also been carried out in the same area.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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