

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

The Environment Agency is encouraging consumers and businesses in the North West to reduce their demand for water to help prevent possible future shortages due to climate change and population growth.

The Environment Agency is encouraging consumers and businesses in the North West to reduce their demand for water to help prevent possible future shortages due to climate change and population growth.

Publishing its Water Resources Strategy for England and Wales: Water for People and the Environment, the Environment Agency has set out measures to help protect water resources to 2050 and beyond. This includes greater use of water meters for households, a review of the structure of the water industry and ways to reduce both domestic and business water consumption.

Over the coming months the Environment Agency will be speaking to its partners in the North West to devise a Regional Action Plan, which will provide a framework for how we implement the Strategy in our region.

Water supplies in the North West will come under increasing pressure in the future. There is an opportunity to plan well now to ensure that we manage both increasing demand and protect the environment. Although in recession, the region’s economy will recover and continue to grow and the latest forecasts show that there are likely to be nearly one million more people living in the North West by 2035. These factors will create a greater demand for water in our region.

In addition to these pressures, climate change will have an impact on how much water there is available for use. Although climate change will lead to more frequent, heavy downpours and increase the risk of flooding, overall river flows in the region may be reduced by between 10 to 15 per cent by 2050 and this could be as much as 80 per cent by 2050 during summer months. In the North West the majority of our water comes from rivers and reservoirs, which are above ground and more sensitive to climatic changes.

Water shortages do not just impact on people and business, but also affect wetland habitats and wildlife. About 60 per cent of all water supplied to homes and businesses in the region comes from sites that are specially designated as vulnerable or endangered habitats for plants, animals and birds. If too much water is taken from these areas, it could have a detrimental impact on these plant and animal species.

“The Environment Agency’s Regional Director, Tony Dean, said: “Water is essential for life and vital to our economy. In the future climate change and population growth may mean that we won’t always have enough water to meet the needs of all the people, businesses and the environment.

We must take this opportunity to plan for the future and think about how we can all use water more efficiently. The Environment Agency is committed to working with a wide range of organisations in the region to secure water supplies and protect the environment for future generations.”

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Notes to editors

Key facts

Water in the home
• The average Briton uses 148 litres of water per day, the equivalent of 260 pints;
• If the entire adult population of England and Wales turned off the tap while brushing their
teeth, we could save enough water to fill 72 Olympic sized swimming pools;
• Washing a car with a hosepipe can use more water than an average family uses in a whole day;
• Households with a water meter generally use 10 to 15 per cent less water than those without.

Future pressures
• By 2020, demand for water could rise by 5 per cent (800 million litres a day) – enough to fill 4.6 million baths;
• By 2050, climate change could reduce the amount of water available by 10 to 15 per cent;
• By 2050, average summer river flows in England and Wales could reduce by as much as 50 to 80 per cent.

Water and carbon emissions
• 6.3 per cent of UK CO2 emissions are related to water use and 90 per cent of these are related to heating water in the home;
• The near-universal metering of households in England and Wales could reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to between 27 and 40 per cent of the total UK Carbon Reduction Commitment target.
• Consumers could save up to £140 per year on energy and water bills by using hot water more efficiently.

The Environment Agency has a statutory responsibility for managing water resources in England and Wales. This work is directed by our Water Resources Strategy.

The Water Resources Strategy can be accessed at:


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
Press consultantship
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