

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

Media release - 1 April 2009 - Celebrating Youth Week Environment Minister Peter Garrett today called on young environmental champions from right around the country to nominate for the Banksia Foundation's Environment Minister's Young Environmentalist of the Year Award for 2009.

“This award recognises the stake our young people have in the health of our environment, and the fantastic work so many of them are doing to invest in it for their own and future generations,” Mr Garrett said.

“Youth Week's theme for 2009, Make a Move, is a powerful message that can easily be applied to the environment. As we tackle climate change and a host of environmental challenges facing our country and world, now is the time for everyone to Make a Move towards sharing innovative ideas, living more sustainably and conserving our natural resources.”

Last year's inaugural Minister's Award winner, Larissa Brown, was recognised for her work in establishing the Centre for Sustainability Leadership at the age of 24. The centre's flagship program, Future Sustainability Leaders, brings young environmentalists together with leading thinkers and influencers to create the next generation of environmentally responsible leaders.

Mr Garrett said with young Australians increasingly demonstrating their commitment to creating a cleaner, greener future the release today of Living Sustainably, the Australian Government's new National Action Plan for Education for Sustainability, was very timely.

“This plan sets out how we can equip Australians with the knowledge and skills to achieve our environmental, economic and social aspirations and to ensure they are pursued in harmony with each other.”

Mr Garrett said Living Sustainably complements the Government's existing suite of programs related to sustainability, including measures to build community knowledge and skills and engagement within Caring for Our Country. It also supports and deepens the impact of initiatives such as Water for our Future, Solar Cities, Sustainable Households, Green Precincts and the National Solar Schools Program.

The Plan has been developed thorough community consultation on the needs of education for sustainability in Australia.

“I would like to thank the many organisations and individuals who contributed submissions and comments towards the plan's development,” said Mr Garrett.

For details of the Banksia Environmental Foundation awards, visit . And for further information about Youth Week activities near you visit .

Living Sustainably is available at

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Sales soar on solar hot water

Media release - 3 April 2009 - Sales of solar hot water systems have soared since the Australian Government boosted its solar hot water rebate to $1,600 in February this year as part of the Nation Building – Economic Stimulus Plan.

Touring a Sydney hot water retail outlet today, Environment Minister Peter Garrett said more than 6,000 Australians have already applied for the $1,600 rebate under the $3.9 billion Energy Efficient Homes Package.

“Today we’re seeing the Australian Government’s Economic Stimulus Plan in action,” Mr Garrett said.

“The numbers show this rebate is doing its job – creating work for local tradies, driving demand for energy efficient technology and helping people save on their energy bills.

“Employment gets a boost every time someone goes solar with their hot water system, and our $1,600 rebate makes that a great choice.

“Solar hot water can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your power bills and help you cut down your impact on climate change – it makes all kinds of sense.”

The solar hot water rebate helps people replace their old electric storage hot water system with a solar or heat pump system. They can send their receipts in for a $1,600 rebate, on top of the money they get for renewable energy certificates and existing state rebates.

Electric hot water heaters are one of the biggest energy users in a family home and around half of the homes in the country have them. Replacing an electric hot water heater with a solar unit can save a family up to 40 per cent on their power bill – up to $700 a year.

Mr Garrett said the Government aims to deliver more than 300,000 solar hot water rebates over the next three years.

“This rebate is great news for households, businesses and the environment – it will help us weather the economic downturn and make our way to a low carbon future,” Mr Garrett said.

For more information and copies of the solar hot water rebate guidelines, visit or call the free hotline on 1800 808 571.

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$20 Million for Climate Change in the Pacific
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Stephen Smith, and Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, today announced $20 million to help Australia’s neighbours in the Pacific and East Timor better understand how climate change will impact on them.

“The $20 million Pacific Climate Change Science Program will help Pacific Island countries carry out research on the likely effects of climate change in the region,” Senator Wong said.

The program will involve working with Pacific Island nations to help them track climate trends, investigate regional climate drivers, provide regional climate projections, and improve understanding of ocean processes, ocean acidification and sea level rise.

“Climate change has the potential to affect some of the poorest and most vulnerable nations with challenges including sea level rise, more intense storms and floods, water shortages, and the resulting impacts on water and food security.

“The vulnerability of countries in our neighbourhood highlights the need for a comprehensive and effective global agreement on climate change.

“Among the Rudd Government’s climate change priorities is helping forge such an agreement, along with reducing Australia’s carbon pollution and adapting to the climate change that is already happening.”

Mr Smith said that climate change had the potential to impact on the region’s ability to meet the Millennium Development Goals by exacerbating existing development challenges.

“The program will provide improved information about climate risks to help the region better target future development assistance and help protect the development gains they have made in recent years,” Mr Smith said.

The Pacific Climate Change Science Program will be managed by the Department of Climate Change in collaboration with AusAID. It will be delivered by the Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO through their research partnership in the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research.

This collaboration will help foster a cooperative research network for countries in the region, for other international science agencies and for Australian universities, to build climate science capacity in the region.

The program is part of the Australian Government’s $150 million commitment through the International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative to meet high priority climate adaptation needs in vulnerable countries in our region.



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