

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

Sarah Baartman Off-Shore Environmental Protection Vessel Returns To South Africa After Successful Transboundary Fisheries Patrol

Media Statement - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2009:Inspectors from Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa joined forces in arresting six vessels and inspecting more than 40 vessels

South Africa’s off-shore environmental protection vessel, the Sarah Baartman, returned today, Thursday 26 March 2009, after completing a four-nation transboundary fisheries patrol in South African, Tanzanian, Mozambican and Kenyan waters. The joint patrol, which is also the first ever multilateral patrol involving four countries at the same time, was aimed at improving and strengthening fisheries surveillance and law enforcement activities within the Southern African Developing Community (SADC) region and along the African coastline, as well as increasing co-operation between fisheries surveillance organizations of the SADC countries, which is underpinned by the SADC Protocol on Fisheries.

The eleven Fisheries Inspectors on board the Sarah Baartman, including two inspectors each from Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya, arrested 6 vessels and inspected a total of 41 fishing vessels over a 31 day period during which the Sarah Baartman has steamed more than 7200 nautical miles. This represents a total of 13462 kilometres, or a distance from Cape Town to Helsinki in Finland and a further 3500 km beyond Helsinki.

Two South African hake handline vessels were arrested approximately 30 nautical miles off Mossel Bay coast for inadequate and lack of required documentation on board the vessels. Inspections involve examining fishing gear, catches, log books, licenses and permits of fishing vessels.

In Mozambique another hake handline vessel was arrested for a lack of required documentation. A prawn fishing vessel was arrested for illegally fishing in a restricted zone, following high levels of hostility and resistance from the master and crew of the vessel. Inspectors from the Sarah Baartman forcefully boarded the vessel and took control thereof. Mozambican inspectors arrested the vessel and escorted the vessel to the Port of Angoche in Mozambique.

In Tanzania, Inspectors observed a fishing vessel without a flag with its radar turned off, making it difficult for effective electronic surveillance. Upon being approached by the Sarah Baartman, the vessel increased speed and refused to heed calls to slow down and stop to allow inspectors on-board the vessel. Inspectors on the Sarah Baartman then launched a rubber duck, mounting a deliberate and faster approach. The vessel subsequently slowed down allowing the inspectors to board the vessel and carry out an inspection. More than 290 tons of blue fin tuna was found onboard the vessel without any legitimate fishing permit or license. The vessel and crew were arrested and all fish was confiscated by the Tanzanian authorities.

This incident drew widespread national recognition from Tanzanians for the inspectors and crew on-board the Sarah Baartman, resulting in special accolades being bestowed on the team by the Tanzanian Minister for Livestock and Fishing Development, Mr John Magufuli. One accolade was a special honour for the only female inspector, Nwabisa Lutshete, and another was the Messiah Warrior honour which was bestowed on the operational commander, Keith Govender. Both inspectors are from South Africa. The other inspectors are Andile Moshani (South Africa), Dirk Lourens (South Africa), Heinrich Ruppersberg (South Africa), William Cuna (Mozambique), Jose Ceasar Maphosa (Mozambique), Haji Shomari Haji (Tanzania), Ernest Bupampa (Tanzania), Maxine Yalo (Kenya) and Phillip Agwanda (Kenya).

The team inspectors were also invited by the President of Tanzania, President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete who paid tribute to the work the inspectors have done in fighting illegal fishing in Tanzanian waters.

On route back to South Africa, off the coast from Durban, a Spanish foreign fishing vessel was arrested and fined R300 000 for being without a valid permit in South African waters.
The vessel is detained and will be released upon payment of the fine.

In addition to the inspections and arrests, a vigorous training programme was also rolled out which included technical, operational and legal training.

The outcomes of the fisheries patrol signals the success of transboundary collaborations in providing a coordinated and united front against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Carol Moses

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Publication of Draft Alien and Invasive Species Regulations and Draft Lists of Categories of Exempted Species, Prohibited Alien Species and Invasive Species

03 April 2009 - Media Statement - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - FRIDAY, 03 APRIL 2009: On 03 April 2009, the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Mr Marthinus van Schalkwyk, published the 2nd draft of Alien and Invasive Species Regulations under section 97 and 98 of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No.10 of 2004) as well as draft lists of categories of species exempted in terms of section 66, prohibited alien species under section 67 and invasive species under section 70 for public comment in Gazette No. 32090.

The regulations have been developed to address the management and control of alien and invasive species. Alien and invasive species spread out of control because they originate from other countries and therefore do not have natural enemies in South Africa, or are translocated between provinces, without risk assessments done prior to the introduction in the new environment. They may therefore pose a threat to biodiversity through for example hybridisation. The lack of management, prevention and continued encroachment by alien and invasive species poses a serious threat to indigenous species and biodiversity in general.

The first draft of the AIS regulations was published in September 2007 for public comment. Following the incorporation of the comments received by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) and completion of the document by an appointed Task Team, it was recommended that the AIS draft regulations be re-published for public comment. The recommendation was made due to the resulting draft being substantially different from the previous one. Amongst others it included the categorisation of species. This recommendation was approved by MINMEC. The department will within 12 months publish maps for fish and mammal distribution as an Annexure to supplement and facilitate the implementation of the regulations where management by area is critical.

With regard to the implementation of the regulations, the department will work in close cooperation with the National Departments of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF), Agriculture (DOA), the provincial departments responsible for nature conservation, the local municipalities, the industry and communities as the implementation requires immense capacity and has cross-cutting responsibilities. The department is currently working on a national AIS implementation strategy in order to achieve a well-coordinated and cost-effective national implementation effort.

Any person who wishes to submit written representations and/or objections to the proposed regulations is invited to do so within 30 days of the publication of the notice in Gazette No. 32090. For a copy of the draft lists and the draft regulations visit

All representations and comments must be submitted in writing to the Director-General of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.


Source: South African Environmental
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