

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

01 April 2009 - Washington DC, United States — There’s still a long way to go, but the draft energy and climate bill unveiled yesterday in the US Congress gives some idea of what American climate policy may look like in the coming years. The bill provides for strong long-term targets, efficiency legislation, a cap-and-trade system, and sets the goal that 25 per cent of US electricity must come from renewable energy by 2025.

Time to break out the champagne? Not quite...

Good news, real progress
The proposed efficiency standards are good and, as the experience of Japan and California shows, they work. By directing the EPA to establish regulation for refrigeration chemicals, cars, aviation and shipping, the bill could bring to many sectors the effective environmental governance they have previously lacked.

Minimum portfolio standards for electricity markets are another proven success that can now be taken up nationally. One of the most successful examples is the standard in Texas, a state now at the heart of the US wind industry. A long-term target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 83 per cent by 2050 is nothing to be sniffed at either, and brings the US in line with the long-term ambitions of many progressive nations.

In creating a range of effective policy tools the bill will give the US government the power it needs to take strong action on global warming. The question is, will it?

Not fast enough
Sadly, the short term targets aren’t so good. When climate negotiators talk about cuts they mean cuts relative to 11000, the year specified in the Kyoto Treaty. Congressman Henry Waxman is talking about cuts relative to 2005, when emissions were much higher. If you convert the bill’s domestic emissions cuts of 20 per cent by 2020 into ‘11000’ emissions you get a cut of around 7 or 8 per cent.

These limited cuts are made even weaker by the provision in the bill for two billion tons of offsets. At first read, what this means in practice is that the US fossil fuel industry could continue to pump out CO2, unabated, for the next 20 years, and buy its way out of saving the climate by buying cheaper, lower-quality emissions reductions from elsewhere, instead of taking responsibility for reducing its own pollution.

That doesn’t sound like progress to us.

Real emissions reductions better than offsets
The latest science is clear. The world needs to cut emissions far more quickly. To stop global warming, the world must end emissions from deforestation and industry. The developed world as a whole needs to achieve cuts of at least 40 per cent relative to 11000 levels by 2020. Years of environmental neglect under George Bush mean that US emissions have skyrocketed, but even an achievable overall US commitment of 25 per cent - with at least 12 per cent domestic cuts in fossil fuel use - would help put the developed world on the path to climate victory.

Paying the polluter
The bill offers up to 10 billion dollars to fund Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This is just a way to extend a business-as-usual approach where the polluter gets paid rather than punished — and paid, no less, with money taken from the American taxpayer.

Where do we go from here?
Climate champions in Congress are working to enact a climate change plan by the end of this year, ahead of the climate negotiations taking place in Copenhagen. To do that, the bill must first secure the support of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, then the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, the Senate needs to adopt its own version of the bill and pass it. Then the two bills will need to be reconciled.

That leaves plenty of scope for the bill to be changed, and here are the big changes that need to be made.

Increase the targets and ensure that at least 12 per cent of the emissions cuts come through reductions in domestic fossil fuel use
Drop the funding for CCS
Auction pollution permits, ensuring polluters pay and that revenues are used for climate and public benefit
If these improvements are made, President Obama can arrive in Copenhagen with a real opportunity to forge the global deal that ends global warming.

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HP, Lenovo and Dell still on the toxic stuff

International — We're giving HP, Lenovo and Dell a penalty point in our updated Guide to Greener Electronics, for breaking their promises to phase-out toxic chemicals in 2009. Of the world's five top PC makers, only Apple is truly kicking the habit. Meanwhile Philips has jumped from 15th to 4th place in the list of electronics companies who are cleaning up their act.

HP, Lenovo and Dell had promised to eliminate vinyl plastic (PVC) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs) from their products by the end of 2009. Now they've told us that they won't make it this year.

The phase-out of toxic substances is an urgent priority to help tackle the growing tide of e-waste. Still, producers only go green when they feel public and consumer pressure to do so. That's why we campaign.

Dell produces a desktop, a notebook and several models of monitors that have a reduced use of PVC and BFRs, and a few monitor models that are free of these substances.

Lenovo has two models available that are PVC and BFR-free. HP is trailing behind, and has yet to bring out models with even a reduced use of PVC and BFRs.

While HP and Dell have yet to set a new timeline for completely eliminating these substances from all their products, Lenovo has delayed its deadline to the end of 2010.

Two-step detox for companies: Come clean, go green
The Guide to Greener Electronics, now in its 11th update, shows which electronics companies are investing to meet their commitments to remove toxic substances from their products, tackle climate change, and introduce better recycling and take-back policies. When electronics companies pay for the collection (take-back) and recycling of their own products, they have the added incentive to develop cleaner, more recyclable products.

Apple can do it
Apple doesn't have certified PVC-free power cords yet, but in every other way its products are now PVC and BFR free. If Apple can do it, then so should the other leading PC manufacturers.

We believe all electronics companies should have at least one toxic-free line of products on the market by the end of the year. Acer currently remains committed to phasing out PVC and BFRs in 2009.

Philips springing forward
The Guide to Greener Electronics star this time goes to Philips -- and the 47,000 people who sent emails to the company!

The Dutch electronics giant reacted to our e-waste campaign with a dramatic about-turn on recycling and take-back. It's jumped from 15th to 4th place in one go. Following public pressure, the company has significantly improved its position on taking financial responsibility for the recycling of its products when they become e-waste.

Philips still needs to implement a system to make it work, but we're delighted with the direction it's heading in.

Individual producer responsibility is the gift that keeps giving
Recycling costs are influenced by the amount of toxic chemicals present and how easy products are to recycle.

This "pay for the mess you make" approach is called "Individual producer responsibility", and it's crucial to the greener development of the electronics industry.

Climate Change on the agenda
Despite an overall slump in scores in the toxics categories, companies are starting to improve their scores on energy criteria. IT is a key sector in the fight against climate change and could enable emissions reductions of 15 percent of business-as-usual by 2020.

Samsung joins Philips in publically demonstrating support for global steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to tackle climate change. Dell and Nokia join HP and Philips in making commitments to substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from their own operations.

Several companies are now increasing their use of renewable energy, with Nokia already sourcing a quarter of its electricity use from renewables.

Climate challenge to IT execs
Exposing electronics companies to public pressure is helping to green the industry. They could do much more, not only to clean up their own act, but to help the planet avoid runaway climate change.

Introducing the IT Climate Leadership Challenge. The aim this year is simply to get influential IT execs to lobby key governments for a strong, planet-saving agreement at the December 2009 climate change summit in Copenhagen.

Right now we can't see anybody in the IT industry using their access to politicians -- and their influence as major employers and wealth creators -- to lobby for a strong Copenhagen deal. Meanwhile dirty industries are lobbying like there's no tomorrow. So we'll soon launch an international "who's who" and "who's doing what" of top IT execs we want to see leading the way.


Source: Greenpeace International
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