

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

BUPA Care Homes Ltd has been ordered to pay more than £11,000 in fines and costs for discharging poor quality effluent from a residential nursing home at Tetbury in Gloucestershire.

A court heard how effluent from Ilsom House was discharged into a sensitive groundwater area after the owners failed to properly maintain the home’s sewage treatment plant.

The area is sensitive because groundwater around Tetbury is used for local drinking water supplies. This has led to it being designated a Special Protection Zone. The pollution occurred less than half a mile from ‘Wor Well’, the source of the River Avon.

Ilsom House is not connected to mains drainage and all the sewage effluent from the home, including the on site laundry, is treated in its sewage treatment plant before being discharged into the ground.

BUPA Care Homes has a discharge consent, issued by the Environment Agency, that sets the standard for the quality of treated effluent and amount that could be discharged each day.

On May 22, 2008 an Agency officer took a routine sample of the discharge from the treatment works. The effluent was ‘cloudy and discoloured and had a strong smell’ and found to be of extremely poor quality. Further samples were taken on July 28, 2008 and August 14, 2008 and were likewise cloudy and smelling strongly. Each sample was significantly below the standard required under the consent.

The first sample had a Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 518mg/litre – more than 25 times the permitted limit of 20 mg/l. The BOD is a measure of the organic strength of the effluent – its potential to pollute. Levels of suspended solids were also well in excess of the consent limit – 194 mg/l instead of 30 mg/l. The ammonia level was 44.8 mg/l compared to the permitted maximum of 20 mg/l.

The BOD of the second, July sample was 479mg/l - almost 24 times that permitted and that of the August sample was 372mg/l – over 18 times that permitted. The company asked for a further offence, a sample taken in December 2008, to be taken into consideration.

The nursing home’s maintenance engineer said the treatment plant was looked after by a company called Kee Process Ltd and the treatment plant was de-sludged every six months. Nevertheless, staff on site should have checked the effluent on a regular basis – in fact they had been advised by the Agency they should perform daily checks and keep a record of them. But this was not done. The court found that BUPA had been careless in their lack of management supervision and training.

‘BUPA Care Homes failed to ensure the sewage treatment plant was maintained and operating properly and showed little regard for the effects their activities at Tetbury were having on the environment,’ said Laurence Mathew for the Environment Agency.

‘Checks on the treatment plant were done on a very ad hoc basis and there was inadequate training of staff to monitor the plant’s performance. This meant the owners didn’t know whether the plant was operating properly or not. Such poor management is unacceptable, particularly in a Special Protection Zone where it is even more important sewage effluent is treated to the required standard,’ said Laurence Mathew.

Appearing before Cheltenham magistrates on Monday (April 20), BUPA Care Homes of Bridge House, Outwood Lane, Horsforth, Leeds was fined £8,000 and ordered to pay £3,125 costs after admitting three offences under the Water Resources Act 1991 of contravening the conditions of its consent to discharge at Ilsom House, Tetbury and asking for one similar offence to be taken into consideration.

Environment Agency to play key role in delivering carbon-free coal power for the UK
Environment Agency says the Government’s decision to set the demonstration of ‘carbon capture’ as a condition for new coal-fired power stations is the most significant environmental measure since the introduction of the Climate Change Act

The Chairman of the Environment Agency, Lord Smith, today said that the Government’s decision to set the demonstration of ‘carbon capture’ as a condition for new coal-fired power stations is the most significant environmental measure since the introduction of the Climate Change Act.

He said that carbon capture for coal power is a key element of a sustainable energy policy – which includes improved energy efficiency, combined heat and power, carbon-free coal and gas, safe nuclear power and a big increase in renewable energy generation.

And he welcomed the key role that the Environment Agency will play in bringing the new technology into operation by assessing the effectiveness and commercial viability of CCS.

He was responding to the Government’s plans to establish up to four Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) demonstration projects and setting out the conditions for ‘clean coal’ electricity in the future. Coal power is currently one of the dirtiest forms of electricity generation – producing over 100 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.

But carbon capture and storage, which involves capturing the carbon dioxide emitted from the burning of fossil fuels like coal and storing it deep underground, has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions from coal by 90%.

The Environment Agency has previously warned that emissions from coal power stations must be dramatically reduced if the UK is to meet its 2050 target of an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Other measures announced today include:

up to four CCS demonstration projects proposed by 2020,
conditions on existing coal fired power stations to retrofit CCS technology within five year of the Environment Agency assessing it as technically and commercially viable,
looking to introduce an emissions performance standard to implement these conditions.
Lord Chris Smith, Chairman of the Environment Agency, said:

“This is the most important environmental decision the Government has taken, bar the Climate Change Act itself. We need to reduce dramatically the emissions from coal power stations and carbon capture technology offers real hope of a new era of ‘clean coal’. It is an essential element of any sensible energy policy for the next 20 years.

“This has the potential to change the face of power generation and enable the UK to sell this technology to the rest of the world. I’m determined that the Environment Agency will play a major role using our expertise in determining its effectiveness.

“We have been for pressing for the introduction of Carbon Capture and Storage technology for some time and will do all we can to ensure it is developed as soon as possible to help us meet the ambitious carbon emissions reduction target of 80% by 2050.”


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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