

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

Media release - 22 April 2009 - Production of solar hot water systems in Western Australia has soared since the Australian Government announced the $3.9 billion Energy Efficient Homes package, the Minister for the Environment Peter Garrett said today while touring a Perth hot water heater manufacturing plant.

"Today we are seeing the Government's economic stimulus plan in action, with boosted $1,600 solar hot water rebates driving demand, increasing Australian manufacturing and supporting Australian jobs," Mr Garrett said.

"The Energy Efficient Homes Package is a critical component of the $42 billion Nation Building-Economic Stimulus Plan, and will assist more than 300,000 households to install solar hot water systems.

"The Government has received more than 11,000 applications for solar hot water rebates since February, prompting manufacturing plants to increase shifts and convert casual jobs to permanent fulltime employment, including at Welshpool near Perth, where shifts have been increased by 50 per cent.

"The manufacture and installation of a solar water system uses twice as much labour as installation of an electric hot water system which means every time someone goes solar with their hot water system, Australian employment gets a boost,"

"The numbers show this rebate is doing its job - creating work for local industry, converting casual jobs into permanent employment and driving demand for energy efficient technology, helping people save on their energy bills."

Minister Garrett said he was pleased to learn Rheem Australia's Welshpool plant was also set to benefit from a $7 million contract to supply solar water heaters for critical United Nations accommodation.

"Four to five thousand water heaters, manufactured right here in Perth, will be fitted to emergency accommodation in hot-spots throughout the world," Minister Garrett said.

"Australia was an original innovator in solar hot water and it is fantastic to see Australian manufacturing continuing to compete successfully and deliver energy efficient solutions around the world."

The Solar Hot Water Rebate was increased to $1,600 on 3 February 2009 with no means test and will run until 30 June 2012. The rebate is available for people who replace an existing electric storage hot water system with a solar or heat pump hot water system between 3 February 2009 and 30 June 2012. This includes owner-occupiers, landlords and tenants.

Since the announcement of the Energy Efficient Homes Package the Government has received more than 11,000 applications for the solar hot water rebate and more than 8,500 applications for insulation components that will eventually see ceiling insulation installed in around 2.7 million homes across the country.
More information can be found at

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Towards a creative Australia

Media release - 22 April 2009 - Today’s response to the Australia 2020 Summit highlights the Australian Government’s recognition of the critical importance of the arts to our identity, community and economy.

Minister for the Arts Peter Garrett said the Australian Government will tackle many of the core themes addressed by the Creative Stream at the Australia 2020 Summit, including arts education, funding support, public access to arts and culture, and the importance of Indigenous culture.

“Fostering creative enterprise is not just essential to supporting a vibrant arts sector, but it also contributes significantly to building an innovative economy and celebrating our unique identity. The Government’s response addresses a number of the key themes developed by participants and commits us to consider further a range of other ideas,” Mr Garrett said.

“The Government will support a dedicated, commercial-free ABC digital children’s channel which will provide children with access to quality, child-appropriate content to support their development.

“Recognising the critical importance of Indigenous culture to Australia’s identity, the Australian Government will also take the first steps towards an Indigenous Cultural Education and Knowledge Centre as a place for celebrating Indigenous culture and as a source of information, advice and research.”

Additionally, the Government has already delivered on a number of ideas generated by the Creative Australia stream, where the critical importance of increasing the opportunity for connection to the arts was identified.

“As I announced last week, the Government has secured the agreement of all state and territory education ministers to ensure arts education is included in the national curriculum.

“Further, we have already committed to an Artists-in-Residence schools program, which will bring arts practitioners into our primary, secondary and tertiary schools to teach students and teachers about contemporary arts practice.

“I have also convened the Creative Australia Advisory Group, which includes Creative Stream co-chairs Cate Blanchett and Julianne Schultz, to discuss and develop ideas around a national cultural policy, private sector support for the arts and support arrangements for artists.”

The Australian Government’s response to the 2020 Australia summit can be found at

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Bushland purchase protects Queensland habitat

Media release - 19 April 2009 - A private bushland property on Brisbane’s outskirts, home to a number of Queensland koalas, will now be protected forever as part of Australia’s National Reserve System, our nation’s most secure way of protecting native habitat.

Environment Minister Peter Garrett today joined Logan City Mayor Pam Parker to announce the conservation purchase of Logan Escarpment, a 43 hectare property 30 kilometres south of Brisbane’s CBD, now to be managed as part of Cornubia Forest Park.

The Australian Government provided $1.5 million in Caring for our Country funding to help purchase the hilltop property, with Logan City Council providing the balance of $1.2 million.

“As Logan City Council and the local community know, this is a very special bushland property.

“Logan Escarpment is not only home to koalas but also to a range of native species such as the powerful owl, squirrel and greater gliders, swamp wallaby and the endangered Swordgrass brown butterfly.

“By expanding the network of reserves in this area, Logan Escarpment will enhance the connectivity between the Venman Bushland National Park, Daisy Hill Conservation Park and Neville Lawrie Reserve. This whole of landscape conservation network is exactly what we need to help our plants and animals deal with the pressures they face including climate change.”

Logan Mayor, Councillor, Pam Parker said the purchase was the first step in a new conservation relationship between local councils and the Australian Government.

“Together with 10 other South East Queensland local councils, we are working with the Australian Government to identify important bushland to conserve as part of the National Reserve System,” Cr Parker said

“We will be working together to protect local environments for our children and grandchildren. We want to make sure that our communities can enjoy forests like this – to walk through the bush, to picnic, to relax – and to ensure that unique Australian animals such as koalas are protected forever.”

For more information visit


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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