

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

24 Apr 2009 - Geneva, Switzerland – A major oil and gas consortium has agreed to suspend planned seismic testing off Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East, a crucial feeding area for the critically endangered Western Gray whale.

The decision followed a recommendation today by a major international scientific panel to halt further oil and gas development in and around the feeding area of the Western Gray Whale.

During a meeting of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (WGWAP), Sakhalin Energy - a partnership between Shell, Gasprom and other shareholders - agreed to cancel its proposed 2009 seismic activities, despite having already put plans in place for the work.

The WGWAP, convened by the IUCN and comprising 11 eminent scientists, met this week with representatives of Shell, Sakhalin Energy, Russian government officials, project lenders and environmental NGOs to review the most recent science on the whales.

The Western Gray Whale is one of the world’s most endangered whales, with only 25 breeding females remaining. The whale feeds only in the summer, and its crucial primary feeding area is offshore Piltun Bay at the north eastern part of Sakhalin shelf.

New science presented during this week’s meeting revealed a significant decline in sightings and behaviour changes of the whales in their primary feeding area near Piltun Bay. Oil and gas exploration activities in the area appear to have displaced the whales to deeper areas offshore, making it more difficult for whale calves to feed.

Since the Western Gray Whale only feeds in the summertime, such displacement could be devastating.

However, BP, Exxon, Rosneft have ignored repeated calls to cooperate with the panel, which again today called on those companies to urgently follow the example of Sakhalin Energy.

“WWF lauds the responsible and forward looking approach taken by Sakhalin Energy in heeding this call from the panel,” said Aleksey Knizhnikov from WWF-Russia. “The results seen today demonstrate that collaborative science based initiatives like this panel process can succeed – even on issues as complex as oil and gas development”.

“However other major operators in the area – including major international giants BP and Exxon - have completely ignored pleas to join the panel, disregarded advice on how to mitigate the impacts of their activities, and refused to provide even basic information on what their activities are in the region.”

“Today’s decision is a victory for the Western Gray Whales, but the struggle continues. BP, Exxon and Rosneft must abandon their reckless plans that threaten the western gray whales with extinction” said Doug Norlen, from Pacific Environment, an international NGO that has monitored Sakhalin oil and gas projects for over a decade.

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Honest EU analysis points to fisheries failure

22 Apr 2009 - Brussels, Belgium – A “commendably honest” green paper on reform of European fisheries policy shows that radical reform of the policy and a serious commitment from governments is needed to save Europe’s fish stocks and create a profitable fisheries sector, WWF said today.

The Green paper on the Reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy presented today by the European Commission is the product of an exhaustive inquiry into Europe’s failing fisheries management, accused of allowing massive overfishing and wastage to continue.

“The Commission have produced an admirably honest critique of a dysfunctional fisheries policy. EU countries and the Commission have let the opportunity of the 2002 reform slip away and failed to deliver on what they signed up to,” said Aaron McLoughlin, Head of European Marine Programme at WWF.

“They have failed our fisheries and failed our industry. But now they can no longer preach an agenda of reform and ignore their own words when hard choices need to be made.”

At present in Europe, nearly two thirds of fish stocks are in decline – including some of the most popular species like cod, plaice and sole.

Mediterranean Bluefin tuna is probably the most visible example of misguided fisheries policy and practice, with a recent WWF analysis showing the population of breeding tunas will disappear by 2012 if current mismanagement of the fishery continues.

WWF believes that reform to deliver a profitable and sustainable fisheries for Europe is possible.

“Long term management plans, that look ahead to future years' catches, show how leaving more fish in the sea today will increase profitability tomorrow,” said McLoughlin.

“It is essential to de-politicize the setting of annual quotas. The successful fisheries of Alaska, New Zealand and Norway, where long term management plans for fish stocks are in place and the capacity of the fleet has been reduced, are good examples that could be replicated in Europe.”

WWF urges European governments and the Commission to craft a new policy for European fisheries, and in the meanwhile, act for implementing control and enforcement to tackle illegal fishing and setting sustainable quotas for bluefin tuna and all commercial fish stocks in the North Sea and Baltic.

The Green paper opens a consultation with all involved parties that will last until 31 December 2009. Following the consultation, the EU Commission will present a proposal for a reformed policy that should be finally adopted in 2012 and enter into force in 2013.
Stefania Campogianni, Press Officer, WWF European Policy Office
Aaron Mc Loughlin, Head of European Marine Programme
WWF European Policy Office


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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