

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

28 April 2009 Senator Wong attends Climate Change reception hosted by President Obama (PDF - 108 KB)
Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator the Hon Penny Wong, today attended a White House reception hosted by President Obama as part of the first day of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate.

The President reaffirmed the commitment of the US to leadership on climate change.

Senator Wong said leadership from the US would be critical, but it needed to be matched by leadership from many nations to forge a global agreement.

"The US and other major economies participating in this Forum will play a crucial role in building momentum for a global deal in the lead up to Copenhagen,'' Senator Wong said.

In an address to the Forum, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton also highlighted the important leadership role of all countries involved in the Major Economies Forum process.

Secretary Clinton said the US was now "fully engaged and ready to lead" on the issue of climate change, and emphasised the need for a "pragmatic, not dogmatic" approach.

Senator Wong said the first day of the Major Economies Forum focused on critical technologies needed to help move countries to a low pollution future.

"Australia outlined the importance of carbon capture and storage in reducing emissions globally - and the work of the Australian-led Global CCS Institute in driving this," Senator Wong said.

Senator Wong said there was also a strong focus on the important role domestic policies will play in building a global agreement.

"The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme represents an opportunity for Australia to go to Copenhagen with a responsible position and a clear plan to deliver on the targets we put on the table," Senator Wong said.

"An agreement that looks perfect on paper, but that remains unratified by its signatories, will do nothing for our planet."

Secretary Clinton's remarks are available at:

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Coalition to match Government's emissions targets?

26 April 2009 Coalition to match Government's emissions targets?
Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong, has called on Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull to clarify whether comments made today by his emissions trading spokesman reflect official Coalition policy.

Speaking today on ABC's Insiders, Andrew Robb committed to at least match the Government's targets to reduce carbon pollution by between 5 and 15 per cent of 2000 levels by 2020.

Mr Robb told host Barrie Cassidy:

"We'll at least do as well as the Government, I'll tell you that."

Senator Wong, who is in Washington attending the first Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate hosted by the Obama Administration, said Mr Turnbull needed to be upfront about the Coalition's planned 2020 and 2050 targets.

"The Coalition can't keep pushing their position on climate change off to the never-never," Senator Wong said.

"Mr Robb and Mr Turnbull need to tell Australia exactly how much they propose to reduce Australia's emissions by; how they will deliver these reductions and how much it will cost.

"The Coalition cannot say they want a global agreement and that they will match our targets while at the same time standing in the way of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme."

Senator Wong said the indication from Mr Robb that the Coalition would provide more details on its targets following the Senate Select Committee on Climate Change, due to report in May, was the fifth timetable for the Coalition.

The Coalition have previously said they would release targets after the Garnaut Review, then after the Treasury modelling, then after the White Paper and then after their own yet-to-be-released review by economist David Pearce.


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
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