

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

15 May 2009 - Media Invitation - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - FRIDAY, 15 MAY 2009: The annual Urban Environmental Management Programme (UEMP) conference will take place in Somerset West, Western Cape on 20 and 21 May 2009.

The two day conference features presentations and discussions on amongst others energy and climate change smart projects, waste management and air quality. The conference intends to enhance dialogue and collaborative efforts through reflection, sharing of experiences and facilitation of linkages and cooperation between the different project implementers of the programme.

The UEM Programme, funded by Denmark, is a partnership between eleven government partner institutions of South Africa from all three spheres of government - national, provincial as well as municipal.

The Programme emphasizes improved capacity of service delivery, strategic management and collaboration between the different spheres of government. The environmental focus is on air quality, sustainable energy management, environmental health, sustainable planning and waste management.

The UEMP started in 2006 and facilitates five year collaboration between the South African government partners and Denmark. It aims of to alleviate poverty through improved service delivery within the environmental management of urban areas.

UEMP partners include, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), the Department of Health (DoH), Province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Province of the Western Cape and Province of Gauteng and Ekurhuleni, eThekwini and Cape Town Metros and Sedibeng District Municipality.

The conference will be opened by Ms Joanne Yawitch, Deputy Director - General of Environmental Quality and Protection at DEAT as well as UEMP Chairperson. Danish Ambassador, Dan Frederiksen will deliver the key note address.
For further information on the UEMP visit
Albi Modise

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Reconstitution of Government

11 May 2009 - Media Statement - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - MONDAY, 11 MAY 2009: Pretoria – President Jacob Zuma on Sunday announced several changes to the structure of government and his executive.

However, he said civil servants will not lose their jobs as a result of the changes.

“Civil servants will not lose their jobs as a result of these changes. This is a matter of principle in terms of the country’s labour relations dispensation.

“I however want to stress to our public servants that the era of hard work has begun. Public servants who do their work diligently and efficiently have nothing to worry about,” he said at the Union Buildings on Sunday.

The new President reiterated however that laziness and incompetence will not be tolerated, while the emphasis will be on excellence and achievement from the Cabinet and the public service.

Delivering his inaugural speech on Saturday, Mr Zuma was clear that delivery by his administration would be a priority.

“We are now called upon to implement our Manifesto. The dreams and hopes of all the people of our country must be fulfilled. There is no place for complacency, no place for cynicism, no place for excuses.

“Everything we do must contribute in a direct and meaningful way to the improvement of the lives of our people,” he said.

Speaking about the many changes to structure and faces in his administration, Mr Zuma said it was made very clear by the African National Congress that the party wanted “an efficient, caring and effective administration, which will be accessible and responsive to the needs of the people.”

“With these objectives in mind, I am confident that the new structure of government will enable the state machinery to speed up service delivery,” he said.

The most notable change in the new structure is the advent of the National Planning Commission (NPC).

The NPC will be responsible for strategic planning for the country to ensure one National Plan to which all spheres of government would adhere.

Other changes include, the Department of Minerals and Energy will be split into two separate departments of Mining and of Energy, each with a Minister.

The Department of Education will be split into separate Ministries, one for Basic Education and the other for Higher Education and Training.

The Department of Housing will be called the Department of Human Settlements to take on a more holistic focus.

Mr Zuma said there will be a new department of Rural Development and Land Affairs which are part of government’s key priorities for the next five years.

The Department of Water affairs and Forestry becomes the Department of Water and Environmental Affairs.

A new Department of Economic Development has been established to focus on economic policymaking. The implementation functions will remain with the Department of Trade and Industry.

A new department of Tourism has been created.

Agriculture becomes Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

The Department of Provincial and Local Government becomes Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

A new Ministry has been created for Women, Youth, Children and People with Disability, to emphasise the need for equity and access to development opportunities for the vulnerable groups in society. - BuaNews

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Boundless Southern Africa (BSA) Expedition Departs From the National Tourism Indaba

11 May 2009 - Media Statement - Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism - MONDAY, 11 MAY 2009: Today, 11 May, the Boundless Southern Africa Expedition aimed at maximizing awareness of the seven Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA) as tourist and investment destinations departed from the National Tourism Indaba in Durban, KwaZulu -Natal province. The four month long expedition, led by Kingsley Holgate of National Geographic Travel will cut across nine SADC countries, seven TFCAs, two oceans, thirty national parks and nature reserves.

In 2005 the Ministers of Tourism of the nine SADC Countries of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe endorsed a TFCA Development Strategy for 2010 and beyond. The strategy’s main objective is to increase the tourism potential of Southern Africa by consolidating marketing, infrastructure development and investment promotion efforts of the Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCA) initiatives.
The seven TFCAs are /Ai/Ais/Richtersveld, Kgalagadi, Kavango-Zambezi, Limpopo-Shashe, Great Limpopo, Lubombo and Maloti-Drakensberg.

The first leg of the expedition will begin at the Maloti - Drakensberg TFCA, which South Africa shares with Lesotho. The expedition will also be characterized by the following humanitarian activities:

One Net One Life, campaign”, which is the distribution of mosquito nets in malaria prevalent TFCAs to
pregnant mothers and children under five.
Teaching on the Edge “project which focuses on the donation of mobile libraries to rural schools around the
Transfrontier Parks.
Right to Sight” Campaign where reading glasses will be distributed to the poor sighted.
Upgrading of Soccer fields and distributing soccer balls
Community days in each TFCA will be observed through soccer matches amongst other things to raise awareness about the 2010 Soccer World Cup.
The expedition will end on 19 August at the mouth of the Orange River at the /Ai/Ais Richtersveld TFCA.
The team will travel by Land Rovers and where roads are inaccessible other forms of transport including ponies in Lesotho will be used. Boundless Southern Africa is the consolidated marketing brand that was launched in May 2008 to raise the profile of the seven TFCAs.

The secretariat for BSA was appointed in 2007 and is hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) in South Africa and is one of the legacy programmes for the 2010 Local Organising Committee. The hosting of the 2010 Soccer World Cup by South Africa is based on the premise that the World Cup event will not only benefit South Africans but Southern Africa and Africa as a whole. TFCAs provide the mechanisms for sharing the tourism benefits of the 2010 event to the region.

A pipeline of 51 bankable investment opportunities has been developed under Boundless Southern Africa.
They range from small and medium type lodges to multi million rand developments such as the Kavango-Zambezi Waterfront Development. Investment promotion efforts are underway, however procurement processes in some of the countries to develop accommodation establishments within the different TFCAs are in progress.

Two key events will also take place during the expedition:
18 June - Ministerial event to rename the Limpopo Shashe Transfrontier Conservation area which South Africa
shares with Botswana and Zimbabwe.
29 June - Presidential event at Kasane, at the Kavango Zambezi TFCA, shared by Angola, Botswana,
Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Expedition leader, Kingsley Holgate and Miss South Africa, Tatum Kheshwar cut the ribbon today to mark the launch of the expedition. More information can be accessed on
Media Enquiries can be directed to:
Leonore Beukes


Following on the announcement of President Jacob Zuma on 10 May 2009, that the structure of government will be the re-organised to make the state machinery more efficient and more service-delivery oriented, the process of transfer of responsibilities between the various affected departments and the constitution of the relevant departments has begun.

As a result of this re-organisation, the environmental affairs portfolio of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism is to be placed under a newly created Department of Water and Environmental Affairs under Minister Buyelwa Sonjica and Deputy Minister Rejoice Mabhudafhasi.

It was also announced that marine and coastal management functions will be moved to the new Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries under Minister Tina Jumat Peterson and Deputy Minister Pieter Mulder.

The announcement by the President also creates a separate Department of Tourism under Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk and Deputy Minister Thokozile Xasa.

All the above line functions, responsibilities and services will continue to be rendered from the existing offices until further notice
Issued by Communications


Source: South African Environmental
Press consultantship
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