

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

Media release - 12 May 2009 - The Rudd Government is providing over $15 billion to implement a comprehensive response to climate change to safeguard our environment, sustain our society and support our economy.

The Government has developed a comprehensive and integrated suite of climate change policies and programs to guarantee that emissions come down, and provide incentives for action as we meet our ambitious 2020 pollution reduction targets and transform our economy.

"The Australian Government Climate Change Strategy provides the long-term framework and confidence required to create the new jobs and businesses of a low pollution future," Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong said.

"We will play our part in global efforts to address climate change through our ambitious emissions reduction targets and support climate change science and adaptation initiatives.

"The Government is also making a substantial investment in developing low carbon energy technologies, giving investors the confidence required to back low-emissions technologies and industries to assist Australia's transition to a low pollution future." Senator Wong said.

This Budget, the Government is investing $4.5 billion in the Clean Energy Initiative.

"The Government will provide new funding of $1.365 billion in the Solar Flagships Program, which will position Australia to be a world leader in solar power generation capacity," Senator Wong said.

The Initiative funds the establishment of a new body, Renewables Australia to support leading edge technology research with new funding of $100 million. It will bring renewable technologies to market at acceptable cost, advise on the implementation of renewable energies, and support growth in skills and capacity for domestic and international markets.

The Initiative also provides new funding of $2 billion for industrial-scale carbon capture and storage projects under the Carbon Capture and Storage Flagships Program.

The Government is also providing funding of over $4 billion for a suite of energy efficiency measures to reduce energy use and carbon pollution in homes, communities, business and industry, providing the biggest single investment in energy efficiency in Australia's history.

Ambitious action on energy efficiency and well-designed limited transitional support for our emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries will also support existing industries and jobs.

The Rudd Government will provide up to $100 million in 2009-10 for the National Energy Efficiency Initiative to develop an innovative smart-grid energy network.

Combining broadband with intelligent grid technology and smart meters in homes, this demonstration project will enable greater energy efficiency and better integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

To enable Australia's emissions reduction target to be achieved, the Government will implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and accelerate the transformation of energy supply through the Renewable Energy Target.

The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme is the major driver in Australia's strategic response to climate change.

"The Climate Change Action Fund will provide $2.75 billion in support for businesses, industry, community organisations, workers and regions," Senator Wong said.

The Government will provide limited direct assistance to coal-fired electricity generators through the Electricity Sector Adjustment Scheme to assist these businesses adjust to a carbon price.

"Support will also be provided to low-income households, pensioners, seniors, carers and people with a disability to fully meet the expected overall increase in the cost of living flowing from the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, while middle-income households will receive additional support to help meet the expected overall increase in the cost of living" Senator Wong said.

The Government recognises that many Australians households and small businesses want to continue to engage in individual action to reduce emissions.

To further support this voluntary action, funding of almost $76 million will be provided over five years to establish the Australian Carbon Trust, which will provide information and tools for households and businesses to participate in Australia's climate change response.

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New support for Coral Triangle Initiative

Media Release - 15 May 2009 - Australian Environment Minister, Peter Garrett will today announce more than $2 million in immediate funding for critical projects for the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) at a meeting of the CTI nations in Manado, Indonesia.

Mr Garrett said Australia's funding is the first phase of an ongoing plan to support the CTI and would support early action by Coral Triangle countries as well as the permanent CTI Regional Secretariat.

"This investment will focus on areas where we can make the greatest contribution by sharing our knowledge and directly supporting capacity building in marine biodiversity conservation, sustainable fisheries, protecting vulnerable marine species and community empowerment," Mr Garrett said.

"The partnership between Indonesia, Timor Leste, the Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands is about ensuring better marine conservation and sustainable oceans management and I applaud the CTI nations for their vision and commitment."

On Wednesday the Minister joined world leaders, ministers and leading marine experts in signing the Manado Oceans Declaration.

Mr Garrett said Australia welcomed Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's leadership in hosting the World Oceans Conference and in developing the declaration.

"This declaration signifies a global consensus. Ocean health is a priority and we have to take collective action and not ignore the effects of climate change on oceans and coasts," Mr Garrett said.

"Our oceans and coasts are already under extreme pressure from climate change, expanding populations, coastal development, unsustainable and destructive fishing practices, marine invasive species, land run-off and marine pollution and this declaration is a call to governments to work together in responding to these threats. It is an important step forward," he said.



Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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