

Environmental Panorama
May of 2009

5 May 2009 - Annual variations in climate have considerable implications for the aquatic environment. 2007 was a record warm year as far as temperature is concerned as well as being one of the wettest years ever recorded. And the raised levels of precipitation could be read directly in the load in the aquatic environment of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater treatment works as well as agriculture.

Alone from wastewater treatment works the discharge of nitrogen and phosphorous to watercourses was approx. 20 per cent higher in 2007 than in the previous year due to increased rainfall. The amount of nutrient-rich water that passed through the works was simply greater.Similarly, the leaching ofnitrogen from agricultural sources was also significantly greater. Increased rainfall therefore increases the addition of nutrients to the aquatic environment and thereby the risk of algal blooms and deoxygenation in lakes, fjords and in the open sea. The risk of deoxygenation is enhanced by higher temperatures, as water can hold less oxygen at higher than lower temperatures.

The above is featured in the annual reporting of monitoring of the aquatic environment and nature under the national monitoring programme NOVANA. The results are presented in the report, ’Vandmiljø og Natur 2007’ (Aquatic Environment and Nature), prepared (in Danish) by Denmark ’s National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Aarhus University , in collaboration with the Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).

NOVANA is an integrated programme of comprehensive and systematic monitoring of nature and environment. The monitoring addresses significant parts of Denmark ’s international obligations as well as national requirements with regard to monitoring, e.g. demonstrating the effects of various measures such as the plans for the aquatic environment.

The monitoring programme covers air, water, habitats on land, as well as plant and animal species.

Main results in ’Vandmiljø og Natur 2007’
The nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorous: Overall there has been a considerable reduction in additions of these nutrients to the aquatic environment since initiation of the monitoring programme for the plan for the aquatic environment in 1989, but in recent years there have been no clear signs of change. Annual variation in the discharges from point sources and agriculture has been large however due to variations in rainfall.

Most pronounced is the reduction in discharge from point sources (wastewater treatment works, industry and aquaculture) of organic material, nitrogen and phosphorous. Evaluation of the Plan for the Aquatic Environment II in 2003 concluded for agricultural discharge of nitrogen that the goal for reduction of leaching was attained. The goal in the Plan for the Aquatic Environment III was for leaching of nitrogen to be reduced by a further 13 per cent in relation to 2003. In the mid-term evaluation of the Plan for the Aquatic Environment III in 2008 it was not possible to demonstrate a significant fall in nitrogen leaching from 2003 to 2007.

The phosphorous balance in agriculture (i.e. the difference between the amount of phosphorous applied and that harvested) has fallen by 68 per cent during the period 11000-2007. In the mid-term evaluation of the Plan for the Aquatic Environment III it was assessed that the interim goal of a 25 per cent reduction in the phosphorous balance by 2009 can be attained. Attainment of the goal for reduction of the phosphorous load by means of construction of approx. 50,000 ha buffer zones along watercourses and lakes is evaluated in the mid-term evaluation of the Plan for the Aquatic Environment III to be a long way off.

Nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in lakes, fjords and marine areas have declined over time as a result of changes in the loads of these nutrients. This fall in nutrient additions has improved environmental conditions in lakes, whilst biological conditions in marine areas have not improved.

As far as watercourses are concerned, during the period 1994-2007 a distinct improvement took place in biological conditions measured based on fauna. In addition to improvements in wastewater treatment, this trend is due to improvements in physical conditions, e.g. resulting from changed practices in the maintenance of watercourses.

Groundwater: The frequency with which pesticide traces have been detected in groundwater monitoring was in 2007 just over 35 per cent, which is the same level as in the last 3-4 years and slightly higher than in the year before. This is attributed to that, since 2004, pesticides have been investigated exclusively in groundwater created after c. 1950. Also, since 2004, an additional herbicide, metribuzin, has been investigated which up until 2003 was used in potato fields.

Environmentally harmful substances: In the fjord and marine environment measurements of heavy metals and organic substances in mussels now permit description of statistically significant trends. For heavy metal concentrations both upward and downward trends are evident, while for organic substances a downward trend is displayed in all cases. Measurements of tributyltin (TBT), used up until 2003 as an antifouling agent for the hulls of ships and boats, showed a significant fall at approx. one quarter of the measuring stations investigated. Concentrations however continued in the majority of cases to be, in 2007, above those equivalent to significantly (‘markant’) polluted and in several cases over the concentration equivalent to very heavily (‘meget stærkt’) polluted.

Terrestrial habitats: The monitoring programme started in 2004; therefore data is not yet sufficient to assess trends in habitat structure and function. In this year’s report analysis has therefore been made of the most suitable indicators for structure and function. The analysis shows that indicators of nutrient levels, excess growth and hydrology are among the best suited, but this can differ from one habitat type to another. Even though the habitat monitoring only includes four years’ data, in a few cases it has been possible to identify statistically significant trends – for example, dry calcareous grassland and dry acid grassland, where a rise in the number of nutrient-loving species is evident, and grey/green dunes, where in the period 2004-2007 increasing occurrence of the invasive species, Rosa rugosa, has been recorded.

Species: For the 50 species described in the report the picture is mixed. Some species are assessed to be of favourable conservation status (e.g. green snaketail), others not so (e.g. Graphoderus bilineatus), and others again to be of unknown status (e.g. species of whorl snail).

For a number of species it is possible to assess trends in population size, including the birds which are monitored. The general picture for the breeding birds monitored is that populations lie below the proposed scientific criteria for favourable conservation status (e.g. tern or tawny pipit), while the majority of the waterbirds monitored lie above the criteria (e.g. oyster catcher and curlew).
Poul Nordemann Jensen


Source: Danish Ministry of the Environment
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